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7–10 Nov 2022
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Simulation studies of He and particle exhaust in detached divertor for JA DEMO design

7 Nov 2022, 11:50
Board Room A (IAEA Headquarters)

Board Room A

IAEA Headquarters

Oral Divertors for DEMO and Next-Step Facilities DEMOs and Next Step Facilities


Dr Nobuyuki Asakura (National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Naka Institute)


SONIC divertor code enables simultaneous calculations of seeding impurity (Ar) and fusion product (He ash) transport. He exhaust has been investigated in JA DEMO, where exhaust power ($P_{out}$ = 250 MW), ion flux ($\Gamma_{out}^{D}$ = $\rm 1x10^{22} s^{-1}$) and He ion flux ($\Gamma_{out}^{He}$ =$\rm 5.3x10^{20} s^{-1}$, corresponding to 1.5 GW fusion power) were given at the core-edge boundary. Plasma diffusion coefficients of $\chi$ = 1 $\rm m^{2}s^{-1}$ and $D$ (plasma and impurity ions) = 0.3 $\rm m^{2}s^{-1}$ were the same as “standard” values in the ITER simulation. Peak heat loads at the inner and outer divertor targets were reduced less than 10 $\rm MWm^{-2}$ for a reference series of the radiation fraction in the SOL and divertor, i.e. $f_{rad}^{div}$ = $(P_{rad}^{sol}+P_{rad}^{div})/P_{sep}$ $\sim$0.8. He concentration ($c_{He}^{edge}$ = $n_{He}/n_{i}$) averaged at the plasma edge near the midplane ($r^{mid}/a_{p}$ = 0.96-0.98) was evaluated in the detached divertor condition; fully and partially detachment in the inner and outer divertors, respectively. $c_{He}^{edge}$ was reduced from 6 $\%$ to 4 $\%$ with increasing $n_{e}^{sep}$ from $\rm 1.8x10^{19}$ to $\rm 2.3x10^{19} m^{-3}$ by $\rm D_{2}$ gas puff (keeping the same $f_{rad}^{div}$ $\sim$0.8 by reducing Ar seeding rate), while the partial detachment was extended. In the divertor, in-out asymmetry of $c_{He}^{div}$ was seen (2-3 times); $c_{He}^{div}$ in the upstream of the inner divertor was enhanced to larger than 10 $\%$, maybe caused by large thermal force (parallel ion temperature gradient) on He ions in the fully detached condition.The in-out asymmetry were reduced near the separatrix of the main SOL.
Influences of reducing $\chi$ and $D$ on the He exhaust were investigated ($\chi$ = 0.5, $D$ = 0.15 $\rm m^{2}s^{-1}$), compared to above “standard” case. Radial gradient of the plasma density profile was increased particularly in SOL, and both $n_{i}^{sep}$ and $n_{e}^{sep}$ were increased from $\rm 1.6x10^{19}$ and $\rm 2.1x10^{19} m^{-3}$ to $\rm 2.4x10^{19}$ and $\rm 2.9x10^{19} m^{-3}$, respectively. Since $n_{He}^{sep}$ $\rm \sim 1x10^{18} m^{-3}$ and $n_{Ar}^{sep}$ $\rm \sim 2x10^{17} m^{-3}$ near the separatrix, $n_{e}^{sep}$ was $\sim$25$\%$ larger than $n_{i}^{sep}$. Radial gradient of the temperature profile was increased near and inside the separatrixa. $c_{He}^{div}$ was increased to $\sim$15$\%$ and $\sim$10$\%$ in the inner and outer divertors, respectively. On the other hand, $c_{He}^{edge}$ = 7-9$\%$ was slightly increased. Since plasma performance such as $P_{fus}$ and $HH_{98y2}$ for the JA DEMO is based on system code results with $c_{He}$ = 7$\%$ in the main plasma, the plasma design is consistent with above simulation results, but it is necessary to avoid higher $c_{He}^{edge}$.
For the fuel particle exhaust, neutral and gas pressures ($P_{D0}$, $P_{D2}$) in the divertor were evaluated at exhaust slots of the dome and in the sub-divertor. For the “standard” case (without include neutral-neutral collisions, NNC), total neutral pressure ($P_{D}$ = $P_{D0}$ + $P_{D2}$) was increased from $\sim$2 to $\sim$3 Pa at the exhaust slots, and from $\sim$1 to $\sim$1.8 Pa in the sub-divertor, with increasing $\rm D_{2}$ puff rate from $\rm 4.8x10^{22}$ to $\rm 9.6x10^{22} D/s^{-1}$. Effects of NNC on the particle exhaust and detachment are shown.

Speaker's Affiliation National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Naka Institute
Member State or IGO Japan

Primary author

Dr Nobuyuki Asakura (National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Naka Institute)


Prof. Kazuo Hoshino (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University) Dr Yuki Homma (National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Rokkasho Institute) Dr Yoshiteru Sakamoto (National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Rokkasho Institute) Dr Shinsuke Tokunaga (National Institutes for Quantum, Science and Technology (QST), Rokkasho Institute)

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