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Application of direct cementation system for small volume of alpha contaminated aqueous waste (Cementation SaG IPU)

Not scheduled


IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
ORAL 3. Solutions for Specific Wastes Solutions for Specific Wastes


Mrs Federica Pancotti (SOGIN SpA)


Management of small volume of alpha contaminated liquid waste can pose significant challenges during the pre-disposal and disposal phases. The radiochemical characteristics of the waste have the major influence on the selection of waste management technology but of course the quantity of the waste may have a considerable influence on the scale and design of the waste treatment and conditioning facility.
In the Sogin Casaccia Plutonium Plant (IPU) are stored about 310 l of alpha contaminated aqueous liquid wastes (ILW) arose from the past activities conducted in the Plant: REBA Project (that involved TESEO Process and PUREX Process) and from other laboratory activities.
Followed by a preliminary evaluation of the possible technical and strategical options to be applied, Sogin selected the on-site direct cementation as the best one. Due to the limited amount of waste a dedicated processing plant has been designed in order to implement both the treatment and conditioning process in a small volume process system inside a Glove Box (Cementation SAG IPU). The design of the drum to be coupled with the cementation system has been included within the project.
The characterisation of the waste evidenced the presence of two main streams: acidic stream (about 70 l) and alkaline stream (about 240 l). A laboratory scale testing program has been carried out to select the treatment and conditioning materials and to define the main process parameters. The stability and durability of the cemented waste form have been verified through a specific qualification program. A final full-scale mock-up test has been conducted to complete the process and waste form qualification activities.
This paper describes the results of the performed testing activities and the development of the Glove Box cementation system (Cementation SAG IPU).

Speaker's title Ms
Affiliation SOGIN SpA

Primary author

Mrs Federica Pancotti (SOGIN SpA)


Mr Francesco Troiani (SOGIN SpA) Mrs Mafalda Guerra (SOGIN SpA) Mrs Paola Negrini (SOGIN SpA)

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