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7–11 Oct 2019
Vienna International Centre, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone
Revised papers to be submitted by 16 August - deadline extended

Thematic Areas

The purpose of the conference is to provide a forum for the exchange of information on the role of nuclear power, and on the opportunities and challenges of safe, secure and safeguarded nuclear technology development in supporting the low-carbon energy transformation needed to achieve the climate change goals.

The IAEA seeks to bring together Member States, representatives of relevant low-carbon energy sectors, international organizations, and other parties. The conference themes include a description of the mitigation challenge, implications for the power sector, environmental perspectives, and potential roles of existing, evolutionary and innovative nuclear power systems, including the integration of nuclear/renewable energy systems.

  • Plenary Session Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power


    Presentations by invited country representatives and international organizations. Please do not submit anything under this track.

  • Track 1. Advancing energy policies that achieve the climate change goals:


    → How nuclear power can contribute when planning for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) updates.

  • Track 2. The increasing contribution of nuclear power in the mitigation of climate change, including synergies with other low-carbon power generation sources:


    → Challenges and opportunities for existing nuclear power plants with respect to the continuous contribution to the avoidance of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;

    → How nuclear power can add a large volume of sustainable clean energy for electricity generation and non-electric applications, including through integration into hybrid energy systems; and

    → Synergies between nuclear power and other low carbon energy sources.

  • Track 3. Development and deployment of advanced nuclear power technologies to increase the use of low-carbon energy:


    → Challenges associated with the rapid introduction of new nuclear power technologies into the market, and the implementation of effective regulatory processes; and

    → How to reduce GHGs in each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, from front end to back end.

  • Track 4. Shaping the future of the nuclear industry in regulated and deregulated energy markets to address climate change:


    → How to ensure the availability of resources, including attracting finance and ensuring competitiveness of new nuclear power projects.

  • Track 5. Enhancing international cooperation and partnership in nuclear power deployment:


    → How to facilitate and foster development and deployment of nuclear power technologies through international cooperation and partnerships, including with organizations and partners of other low carbon technologies.

  • Track 6. Public and non-nuclear stakeholders’ perception of the role of nuclear power in climate change mitigation:


    → How to engage public opinion and open effective channels of communication with other stakeholders in the field of energy, environment and climate change.