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Oct 1 – 4, 2019
Savoy Grand Hotel
Africa/Casablanca timezone

It is widely recognized that the risk that nuclear or other radioactive material could be used for malicious acts remains real and is regarded as a serious threat to international peace and security. Because of the possible catastrophic consequences, securing vulnerable material and associated facilities and activities from falling into the wrong hands continues to be a shared priority of all States and relevant International Organizations. It is also well recognized that the responsibility for nuclear security rests entirely with each State, but international cooperation is vital in facilitating the peaceful and secure use of nuclear and radiological applications, and in enhancing global efforts to combat nuclear terrorism. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC), the European Commission (EC), the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT), the Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (GP), and other international partners have been playing an important role in building a sustainable, effective global response to this global threat.

In this respect and in order to further strengthen this international effort, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) convened, in 2012, the first-ever organized International Regulators Conference on Nuclear Security to discuss a wide range of activities relevant to enhancing regulatory approaches and practices for security at civilian facilities. Four years later, the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) from Spain, convened, in 2016, the second International Regulators Conference on Nuclear Security, which, in coordination with the U.S NRC, further promoted international cooperation to advance nuclear security. Both of these conferences played an important role in establishing and deepening relationships between nuclear security regulatory bodies. Indeed, robust cooperation among regulatory bodies is particularly important to share best practices, lessons learned, and implementation strategies.

To continue this global effort, AMSSNuR will convene, for the first time in Africa, the 3rd conference in Marrakech, Morocco from 1 to 4 October 2019. It is expected that this effort will further strengthen international cooperation and enhance capacity building for nuclear security around the world in general and, in Africa, in particular.

Organization, cooperation and sponsorship

The conference will be organized by the Moroccan Government through the Agence Marocaine de Sûreté et de Sécurité Nucléaires et Radiologiques (AMSSNuR), in cooperation with the IAEA.



The Third International Regulators Conference on Nuclear Security is designed to address a wide range of thematic areas and topics on nuclear security. Its purpose is to share experiences and best practices among regulators, Technical Support Organizations (TSOs) and relevant Regional and Interregional actors with a view to further enhancing national, regional and international nuclear security activities.

Target audience

The Conference is directed at a broad range of experts and decision makers in the area of nuclear security regulatory activities and their implementation, bringing together the world's senior regulators, security professionals, decision-makers, high level officers from TSOs, Regional and International Organizations, as well as stakeholders responsible for the area of nuclear security.

Working language

The working language of the conference is English. Interpretation in French and Arabic would be provided for the opening and closing sessions.

Savoy Grand Hotel
Marrakech, Morocco