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Jun 18 – 21, 2019
IAEA - Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Submission Guidelines

Paper/Poster Presentations and Proceedings

All papers submitted — other than invited keynote papers — must present original work and should not have been published elsewhere.

Persons who wish to present a paper at the symposium — either orally or in the form of a poster — must submit a synopsis on one of the topics listed under Scientific Programme.

Submission of Synopses

Synopses must be sent in electronic format (no paper copies) directly to the IAEA. Instructions on how to upload the synopses to the symposium’s web browser-based file submission system (IAEA‑INDICO) will be available on the symposium web page as of 21 September 2018. The synopses must be submitted through this system by 15 December 2018 No other form of submission will be accepted.

The first step in submission requires creation of a user account on the INDICO conference system, using the 'Login' tab in the top right corner of the page. If you are already a registered INDICO user, please log into the system.

Please note that all co-authors' names and affiliations should be entered into the Indico system at the time of submitting the synopsis. Only the submitting author is required to be an Indico user.

Synopsis file format: Microsoft Word document (Word 2003 or later, please download the template). PDF or other file formats will not be accepted.

The submission should indicate to which of the topics outlined in Scientific Programme it relates and the abstract content should be sequenced accordingly:

  • Background of the study;
  • Methodology;
  • Results; and
  • Conclusion.

The synopses:

  • should be a maximum of two pages of about 800 words in English (including title);
  • should not include more than one figure, graph or table;
  • should include references; and
  • must be written and submitted using the synopsis template available from the symposium web page.

In addition, authors must submit the following two forms to their appropriate governmental authority for transmission to the IAEA. These forms must be received by the IAEA no later than 15 December 2018.

  • Participation Form (Form A); and
  • Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B).

IMPORTANT: The electronically received abstracts will be considered by the Programme Committee only if these two forms have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels.

Authors should state to which of the topics outlined in Scientific Programme their contribution relates.

Acceptance of Papers for Oral or Poster Presentation

Given the number of synopses anticipated and the need to provide ample time for discussion, the number of papers that can be accepted for oral presentation is limited. Authors who prefer to present their papers as posters are requested to indicate this preference on Form A and through INDICO.

The Secretariat reserves the right to exclude papers that do not comply with its quality standards and/or that do not apply to one of the topics outlined in Scientific Programme.

Authors will be informed by the end of February 2019 as to whether their papers have been accepted by the Programme Committee for oral or poster presentation. Following the acceptance of their paper they will be informed of the session of presentation. All the accepted synopses will be reproduced in unedited form in the Book of Extended Synopses, which will be available free of charge to all participants upon registration at the symposium.