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International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry (IDOS 2019)

IAEA - Vienna International Centre

IAEA - Vienna International Centre


The major goal of the symposium is to provide a forum at which advances in radiation dosimetry, radiation medicine, radiation protection and associated standards made over the last decade can be disseminated and scientific knowledge exchanged. It will cover all specialties in radiation medicine and radiation protection, with a specific focus on those areas where the standardization of dosimetry has improved in recent years (advanced radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and audits). It will also summarize the present status of, and outline future trends in, medical radiation dosimetry and identify possible areas for improvement. The conclusions and summaries from the symposium should lead to the formulation of recommendations for the scientific community.

The symposium will consist of 16 sessions: four sessions per day of approximately 90 minutes each, including the opening session, educational courses, a series of topical sessions with oral and poster presentations, a session for poster highlights and three round-table discussion sessions.

The opening session will include welcoming addresses followed by two keynote presentations on the history of dosimetry and the main developments in dosimetry since the previous IAEA symposium on the topic (IDOS 2010), which was held in Vienna in November 2010.

A series of topical sessions (four plenary) will then cover selected areas of medical radiation dosimetry, from standards laboratories to the medical applications in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. Each topical session will include one or two keynote invited presentations of 30 minutes followed by four to six oral presentations and related discussions.

Poster presentations for each topic will be an important component of the symposium, and their display will be maintained during the symposium. A plenary session will be dedicated to the highlights of the posters. The rapporteurs will summarize each of the sessions and prepare recommendations.

On days 1 to 3, a plenary session will be dedicated to a round-table discussion.

The symposium will include a plenary session to highlight fifty years of IAEA/World Health Organization (WHO) dosimetry audits.

The symposium will cover recent developments (outlined in Scientific Programme) in the field of radiation dosimetry standards, applications and quality assurance.

    • TRS - 483

      Describe TRS 483 and learn about the physics of small field dosimetry.

    • Interventional radiology dosimetry

      Understand the dose metrics used in interventional radiology and their appropriate use.

    • Advances in brachytherapy dosimetry

      Learn about the current status of brachytherapy dosimetry.

    • DICOM based dose reporting

      An overview of DICOM structured reports in DR, IR, and NM and their use in everyday clinical practise.

    • Opening session: Welcome, history of dosimetry

      Welcome session including an overview of the history of dosimetry and IDOS 2010 to 2019.

    • 11:00 AM
    • Small field dosimetry

      Understand the research for primary standards for small fields and learn how to implement TRS 483 in the clinic.

    • Development of standards

      Overview of ICRU 90 changes, comparison and development of standards, and computational methods for correction factors.

    • Traceability

      Understand the need for traceability for all measurements.

    • 1:00 PM
    • BIPM - CCRI - IAEA Session

      Understanding the use of LINACs in standards labs and the need for traceability.

    • Poster highlights
    • 4:00 PM
    • Poster viewing
    • Dosimetry audits in RT: Past, present and future

      Review the history, current status and future of RT audits.

    • 6:00 PM
    • Dose considerations for imaging in RT

      Identify imaging capabilities such as PET-CT and CBCT, determination of imaging doses, dose reduction techniques, and QA of dose of imaging devices.

    • Nuclear medicine dosimetry

      Learn the basic principles of internal dosimetry and demonstrate the implementation of internal dosimetry in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine.

    • Physics and dosimetry of alpha emitters

      Learn about the main applications, physics, and dosimetry of alpha emitters for radionuclide therapies.

    • Development of standards and traceability for new technologies

      Learn about portable calorimeters, electronic brachytherapy standards, primary standards, alpha therapy standards, and C-11 for PET dosimetry.

    • 10:30 AM
    • Status of the update of TRS 398

      Motivation for the update of the report, kV updates, photon and electron data, and light ions.

    • Models, standards and cell level dosimetry in nuclear medicine

      An overview on the latest ICRP phantoms, absorbed fractions, and cell-level dosimetry.

    • 12:30 PM
    • Is patient-specific dosimetry in radionuclide therapy improving patient care?

      Is patient-specific dosimetry in radionuclide therapy improving patient care?

    • Out of field dosimetry

      Provide rationale for out of field dosimetry and the issues and challenges associated with it.

    • Dosimetry as a tool in optimization and auditing

      Describe the concept of optimization and the role of dosimetry, understand the role of dose management systems in optimization, and present national and regional initiatives in optimization and auditing.

    • 3:30 PM
    • Dosimetry for radiobiology experiments

      Introduction to challenges and deficiencies in radiobiology dosimetry. Dosimetry of small animal, cell, and conformal irradiators.

    • Protons and beyond

      New developments in light ion beam dosimetry and calibration of beam monitors.

    • Occupational dosimetry

      Occupational dosimetry overview and implementation.

    • Quantitative imaging for radionuclide therapy (NM)

      Learn how to calibrate and use a radionuclide calibrator. Understand how to determine activity distributions in patients and factors influencing activity quantification in NM imaging. Learn how to take into consideration uncertainties in internal dose estimates.

    • Estimation of uncertainties

      An overview of measurement uncertainties including their origin and methods for estimation.

    • Use and misuse of quantities and units

      Understanding new developments (new ICRU report), operational quantities and their associated units, and their appropriate use.

    • 10:30 AM
    • Proffered papers on the update of TRS 398

      Clinical dosimetry topics relating to radiation therapy.

    • Clinical dosimetry in therapeutic nuclear medicine

      Demonstrate the clinical implementation of dosimetry in radionuclide therapy.

    • 12:30 PM
    • Black box dosimetry

      Challenges and advantages of “black box” dosimeters such as archcheck, delta4, epid dosimetry, compass, etc..

    • Dosimetry audits for new technologies

      Routine audit services and audits of advance technology.

    • Monte Carlo in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine dosimetry

      To describe the basics and applications of Monte Carlo simulations and present different codes available for diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine dosimetry.

    • 4:00 PM
    • Clinical dosimetry (DR/IR)

      Understand the process going from dose measurements to patient specific dosimetry. Present the state of the art of clinical dosimetry. Present different initiatives through proffered papers.

    • Dosimetry in the pressence of magnetic fields

      Understand the physics of dosimetry measurements in a magnetic field and the available methods used to account for the effects of magnetic fields.

    • Are your RT dose calculations correct?

      Site visit measurements, TPS parameters, water vs muscle, lung calculations (AAA and protons), including commissioning.

    • Dosimetry in mammography and tomosynthesis

      Understand the dosimetric model for 2D and 3D mammography and the assumptions, limitations and metrological issues in mammography dosimetry.

    • QA detectors and dosimetry processes

      Understand the features and limitations of new detectors and how to judge the suitability of a detector for a given application.

    • CT dosimetry

      To learn how to estimate dose from CT and CBCT using CTDI, DLP, published methods, software packages, etc.

    • Updates and challenges in detector technology

      New developments in detector technology.

    • 10:30 AM
    • Novel dosimetry

      Specialized clinical dosimetry topics (e.g. electronic brachytherapy, IORT).

    • Use of effective Dose as an indicator of patient risk

      Present the concept of effective dose, its proper use and its limitations. Understand how effective dose can be used to evaluate radiogenic risk.

    • Closing Session
    • 1:00 PM