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14C and 81Kr age model for the Dead Sea hot-saline springs

22 May 2019, 10:30
Board Room C (Vienna International Centre)

Board Room C

Vienna International Centre

C Building, 4th Floor
Oral Age Dating and Paleoclimate Studies SESSION 3


Ms Nurit Weber (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Geological Survey of Israel)

Primary authors

Ms Nurit Weber (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Geological Survey of Israel) Yoseph Yechieli (Geological Survey of Israel) Dr Ittai Gavrieli (Geological Survey of Israel) Prof. Mordechai Stein (Geological Survey of Israe) Dr Reika Yokochi (The University of Chicago) Dr Jake Zappala (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Peter Mueller (Argonne National Laboratory) Prof. Boaz Lazar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Presentation materials

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