2:45 PM
Ten years of operation of the Belo Horizonte-CDTN GNIP station, Brazil
Eliana Aparecida Nonato Knupp
3:00 PM
Isotope and chemical characteristics of natural waters in the Lower Mahaweli Basin, Sri Lanka
Jasinhage Dona Chaturangi Gunasekara
(Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board)
3:15 PM
Groundwater isotope ratios reflecting convective and stratiform palaeoprecipitation fractions in Bauru aquifer system, Brazil
Hung Kiang Chang
3:30 PM
Tritium Information Management System (TRIMS): New software to improve performance outcomes of low-level liquid scintillation counting laboratories
Dagnachew Legesse Belachew
3:45 PM
Exploring the use of water isotopes to investigate fast-forming rain events at a mid-latitude site in Southern Italy
Luisa Stellato
(Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli")
4:00 PM
Spatio-temporal patterns of stream hydrochemistry in a glacierized alpine catchment
Michael Engel
(Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
4:15 PM
Environmental isotope applications in Mediterranean coastal plains of Turkey: effects of irrigation
Pinar Avci
(Hacettepe University)
4:30 PM
Stable water isotopes in precipitation across the Himalayas: constraints on sources of moisture
Ghulam Jeelani
(University of Kashmir)
4:45 PM
Mapping environmental tritium activity concentration in recent precipitation in Spain to trace moisture sources in the hydrological cycle
Javier Rodríguez Arévalo
5:00 PM
Numerical groundwater modeling of the ex industrial mining complex Los Gigantes, Cordoba, Argentina
Daniel Cicerone
(Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica)
5:00 PM
Variation in tritium activity in rainfall in Paarl, South Africa and its bearing on understanding groundwater recharge processes
Jodie Ann Miller
(Stellenbosch University)
5:15 PM
High-resolution modeling of flow partitioning using water isotopes and electrical conductivity for model calibration
Giovanny Mauricio Mosquera Rojas
(Universidad de Cuenca)
5:15 PM
Spatial and temporal variabilities in stable isotope and hydrochemistry to determine flow paths in the Jonkershoek catchment
Retang Anna Lapalemabu Mokua
(University of the Western Cape)
5:15 PM
Groundwater isoscapes in the southeastern region of Buenos Aires Province - Argentina
Daniel Emilio Marinez
(CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)
5:15 PM
Hydrogeological responses in tropical mountainous springs
Luis Daniel Rojas-Jimenez
5:15 PM
Analysis of groundwater recharge from isoscapes of precipitation and shallow groundwater in the Northwest of Colombia
Teresita Betancur
(Universidad de Antioquia)
5:15 PM
Stable isotopes for estimation of urban groundwater balance in the Kharkiv city, East Ukraine
Dmytro Diadin
(O. M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv)
5:15 PM
Modeling of snowmelt water from a snow pit in Tibetan Plateau
Ke Wang
(Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China)
5:15 PM
Development of a conceptual groundwater model in an intermountain Andean aquifer with the support of water stable isotopes: Uspallata valley, Argentina
Nerina Belen Lana
(Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales (IANIGLA))
5:15 PM
New in-situ samplers for Krypton-85 for groundwater dating
Stéphanie Musy
(University Bern)
5:15 PM
Triple isotope analyses (δ2H, δ18O, δ17O) of water with the aid of laser spectroscopy: analytical performance of Picarro L2140-i spectrometer
Anna Magdalena Pierchala
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
5:15 PM
Assessing the tritium levels in the laboratory atmosphere to avoid contamination in ultra-low level analysis
Eliana Aparecida Nonato Knupp
5:15 PM
First application of a newly developed field gas extraction device to date old groundwater
Roland Bäumle
5:15 PM
New noble gas analytical capabilities at the CSIRO Environmental Tracer Laboratory, Australia
Christoph Gerber
(CSIRO Land & Water, Locked Bag 2, Glen Osmond SA 5064, Australia)
5:15 PM
Chlorine isotope analysis of chloride solution using UV-FSLA-MC-ICP-MS
Masaaki Musashi
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
5:15 PM
Boron isotope analyses in fluid samples: PTIMS versus MC-ICP-MS (Neptune Plus)
Maddalena Pennisi
5:15 PM
Identifying and correcting the gas matrix effects on a cavity ring-down water stable isotope analyzer
Benjamin Gralher
(University of Freiburg, Germany)
5:15 PM
Relationship between precipitation and groundwater in the Guarani Aquifer System recharge areas revealed by stable isotopes
Didier Gastmans
(CEA-UNESP - Brazil)
5:15 PM
Trace isotope detection of Cl, I, and Cs at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator - routine & ventures
Johannes Lachner
(University of Vienna)
5:15 PM
Measuring water stable isotopes in tree xylem in situ: The stem borehole equilibration method
Kathrin Kühnhammer
(University of Freiburg)
5:15 PM
Groundwater and surface water interaction in a recharge area of the Guarani Aquifer System (GAS)
Ludmila Batista
5:15 PM
Using stable isotopes to conceptualize groundwater flow system in a tropical wetland
Cynthia Nonterah
(Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)
5:15 PM
Carbon dioxide degassing along a high-relief headwater stream inferred from seasonal variability of the gas exchange between water and atmosphere
Robert van Geldern
(Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU))
5:15 PM
Determining the origin of leakage water in El Cajon dam, using stable isotopes
Tirza Carolina Contreras Galeano
5:15 PM
Illustrating the role of isotopes to understand hydrologic processes in large-plain environments
María Emilia Zabala
(Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras "Dr. Eduardo J. Usunoff"- Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET))
5:15 PM
Groundwater dynamics of the Murunkan sedimentary basin in Northern Sri Lanka: an environmental isotope study
Mahinda Premathilake Karunadhipathige
(National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Sri Lanka)
5:15 PM
Study of springs and karst springs using environmental isotopes 2H and 18O in the Lagoa Santa karst region, Brazil
Carolina Gomes Ribeiro
(Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG))
5:15 PM
Environmental isotopes for assessing water resources in a semiarid biome in Brazil
Vinicius Ferreira
5:15 PM
Tracing surface water dynamics and groundwater recharge at Inle Lake (Southern Shan State, Myanmar) using stable water isotopes
Viviana Re
(University of Pisa, Department of Earth Sciences, Pisa, Italy)
5:15 PM
Boron isotopic composition in fluvial and rain water from the Adige basin (Northern Italy)
Maddalena Pennisi
5:15 PM
Geochemical monitoring and flow rates of glacial drainages in the Bayelva catchment (Ny-Ålesund area, Svalbard)
Ilaria Baneschi
5:15 PM
Comparison of isotope hydrological patterns of large rivers in Germany (Weser and Rhine Basin)
Paul Koeniger
(BGR German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)
5:15 PM
Hydro-chemical detection and quantification of permafrost degradation in the Eastern European Alps
Sabine Kraushaar
(University of Vienna)
5:15 PM
Isotope and geochemical tracers for delineating the hydrogeological functioning of a low altitude Mediterranean peat bog (Corsica Island, France)
Sébastien SANTONI
(Avignon Université, France / Université de Corse, France)
Frederic HUNEAU
(Université de Corse Pascal Paoli)
5:15 PM
Isotopic and hydrochemical assessment of groundwater on the Santa Elena Peninsula (Ecuador): implications for artificial recharge
Daniel Omar Garces Leon
5:15 PM
Regional stable isotope signatures in precipitation and river runoff in Switzerland
Ulrich Schotterer
(Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University Bern, Switzerland)
5:15 PM
Spatial variability of tritium in precipitation during single storm events and its bearing on hydrological studies
Jared van Rooyen
5:15 PM
Stable isotopic composition of precipitation and the environmental controls in Bangladesh
Mohammad Masud Karim
(Senior Scientific Officer)
5:15 PM
The latitude effect on the stable isotopic composition of precipitation across Thailand
Jeerapong Laonamsai
(Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan)
5:15 PM
Climatic controls over the isotopic composition of precipitation in Rio Claro (SP), Brazil
Vinícius dos Santos
(CEA UNESP Rio Claro)
5:15 PM
Spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes in precipitation in Kumamoto, southern Japan
Kimpei Ichiyanagi
(Kumamoto University)
5:15 PM
Spatial and temporal isotopic characterization (2H/1H and 18O/16O) of modern day precipitation in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
Bruk Lemma Debebe
5:15 PM
Isotopic composition of precipitation at two stations in Antananarivo: a comparative study
Voahirana Ramaroson
(Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires (INSTN-Madagascar))
5:15 PM
Isotopic composition of monsoon rain in the Salalah area, southern Oman
Thomas Harald Müller
(UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)
5:15 PM
Middle Earth – Stable isotope investigation of precipitation sources in Romania, eastern Europe
Aurel Perșoiu
(Emil Racoviță Institute of Speleology)
5:15 PM
Seasonal variation of the latitude effect in a mid-latitude region
Masahiro Tanoue
5:15 PM
Stable isotope composition (δ2H, δ18O and δ17O) of rainfall in Benin, West Africa
Christine Vallet-Coulomb
(Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IRD, INRA, Coll France, CEREGE, Aix en Provence, France)
5:15 PM
Water isotopes in precipitation in Turkey
Naciye Nur Ozyurt
(Hacettepe University)
5:15 PM
Water isotopes in Beijing Basin: Monitoring for climate and water changes in a monsoon affected arid region
Zhonghe Pang
(Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:15 PM
Persistent organic compounds and water stable isotopes in rain in Buenos Aires City, Argentina
Karina Silvia Beatriz Miglioranza
(Lab. of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Pollution)
5:15 PM
Temporal variation of stable water isotope ratios at Neumayer-III station, East Antarctica
Saeid Bagheri Dastgerdi
(Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI))
5:15 PM
Filling white spots in Central Asia – a Tajik network of isotopes in precipitation
Stephan Matthias Weise
(UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research)
5:15 PM
The new GNIP network in Brazil: an example of sound institutional arrangements
Andrea Franzini
5:15 PM
Real-time observations of water stable isotope dynamics during rainfall and throughfall events
Barbara Herbstritt
(Hydrology, University of Freiburg, Germany)
5:15 PM
Relation between the water isotopic composition in the North Atlantic marine boundary layer and the boundary layer dynamics
Árný Erla Sveinbjörnsdóttir
(Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland)
5:15 PM
Meteoric water lines with an interval of 27 years, São Paulo, Brazil
Veridiana Martins
(University of Sao Paulo - Brazil)
5:15 PM
Surface water and groundwater interaction inferred by isoscapes in Sao Paulo state watersheds, Brazil
Lucas Vituri Santarosa
5:15 PM
On combining stable and radioactive water isotopes to estimate the transit time distribution in heterogeneous aquifers
Julien Albert Farlin
(Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)
5:15 PM
The interesting information of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes carried by groundwater: a case from five identical simulated catchments with different land uses from the Shawan Test Site, Southwest China
Yundi Hu
(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:15 PM
Piston flow vs. preferential flow in loess aquifer: evidence from multiple environmental tracers (H, O, C, N, Sr)
Tianming Huang
(Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:15 PM
Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of the Mampostón-Jaruco Basin as a contribution to the sustainable management of its water resources
Alejandro Garcia-Moya
(Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos)
5:15 PM
Maintaining the VPDB scale for δ13C: reference materials at the IAEA
Sergey Assonov