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Intrusion of saline water into a coastal aquifer containing palaeogroundwater in Estonia

21 May 2019, 14:45
2h 45m
Posters Area - C04 (Vienna International Centre)

Posters Area - C04

Vienna International Centre

C Building, 4th Floor
Poster Isotopes in Groundwater Chemistry and Water Pollution Research Poster Session 1


Valle Raidla

Primary authors

Valle Raidla Joonas Pärn (Geological Survey of Estonia) Prof. Werner Aeschbach (Heidelberg University) Mr Siim Tarros (Geological Survey of Estonia) György Czuppon (Institute for Geological and Geochemical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Dr Madis Kiisk (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics) Mrs Siiri Suursoo (University of Tartu, Institute of Physics) Prof. Robert Mokrik (Vilnius University) Mr Vytautas Samalavicus (Vilnius University)

Presentation materials

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