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Stable isotope compositions of surface waters in Jamaica: Case studies from Rio Cobre and the Milk River watersheds

21 May 2019, 14:45
2h 45m
Posters Area - C04 (Vienna International Centre)

Posters Area - C04

Vienna International Centre

C Building, 4th Floor
Poster Isotopes in Groundwater Chemistry and Water Pollution Research Poster Session 1


Dr Debbie-Ann Denise Shantie Gordon-Smith (University of the West Indies, Mona)

Primary authors

Dr Debbie-Ann Denise Shantie Gordon-Smith (University of the West Indies, Mona) Dr Arpita Mandal (University of The West Indies, Mona) Grzegorz Skrzypek (The University of Western Australia) Mr Emile Myers (National Irrigation Commission Limited) Dr Lee Kheng Heng (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials

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