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Determination of recharge by means of stable isotopes in the Groundwater from North-Eastern Aquifer of the West Bank/Palestine

21 May 2019, 14:45
2h 45m
Posters Area - C04 (Vienna International Centre)

Posters Area - C04

Vienna International Centre

C Building, 4th Floor
Poster Isotopes in Groundwater Chemistry and Water Pollution Research Poster Session 1


Mr Saed K K Khayat (Palestine Technical Uni. Tulkarm-Palestine)

Primary authors

Mr Amer Marei (Al Quds University, Abu Dis, East Jerusalem- Palestine) Mr Ismail Hroub (Nuclear Energy & Radiological Regulatory Authority) Mr Saed K K Khayat (Palestine Technical Uni. Tulkarm-Palestine) Mr Stefan Geyer (UFZ- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research) Dr Stephan Weise (UFZ-Helmholtz Research Centrefor Environment) Mr Zaher Barghouthi (NARC-National Agricultural Research Centre)

Presentation materials

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