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Recent seawater intrusion into deep aquifers determined by the radioactive noble-gas isotopes 81Kr and 39Ar

22 May 2019, 14:45
2h 45m
Posters Area - C04 (Vienna International Centre)

Posters Area - C04

Vienna International Centre

C Building, 4th Floor
Oral Age Dating and Paleoclimate Studies Poster Session 2


Prof. Yoseph Yechieli (Geological Survey of Israel)

Primary authors

Reika Yokochi (The University of Chicago) Zheng-Tian Lu (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Michael Zilberbrand (Hydrological Service) Roland Purtschert (University of Bern) Juergen Sueltenfuss (University of Bremen) Prof. W. Jiang (University of Science and Technology of China) Mr Jack ZAPPALA (Argonne National Laboratory) Mr P MUELLER (Argonne National Laboratory) Mr Ryan Bernier (The University of Chicago) Dr Naama Avrahamov Eilon Adar (Beb Gurion University) Mr Firas Talhami Dr Yakov Livshitz Mr Avihu Burg (Geological Survey Israel) Prof. Yoseph Yechieli (Geological Survey of Israel)

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