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8–13 Oct 2012
US/Pacific timezone

ITR/P1-05: Development of ITER Equatorial EC Launcher

9 Oct 2012, 08:30
Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster Room (Area F-B)

Poster ITR - ITER Activities Poster: P1


Mr Koji Takahashi (Japan)


The present day EC launcher typically injects a few MW power and the pulse length is 10~20s. On the other hand, the ITER equatorial EC launcher is making an advanced technology to injecting ≥20M and CW operation. The ITER equatorial EC launcher consists of an unique blanket shield structure and a port plug installing millimeter (mm) wave components, neutron shields, cooling water lines and so on. The design of the blanket shield structure that tolerates thermal and electromagnetic load is attained. The mm-wave design that enables to guide the wave power of 20MW into plasma with toroidal steering capability of 20º~40º and efficiency of 98.4~99% assuming HE11 fundamental wave mode + TEM000 gaussian mode are described. Reduction of the heat load to 2.1MW/m2 on the steering mirror and the optimization of beam radius at plasma, 16~22cm that satisfies the requirement, are attained. The mock-up of the mm-wave launching system and the subcomponents are fabricated to investigate the design availability. High power (0.5MW) experiment of the mock-up confirmed the expected wave beam propagation and steering capability.

Country or International Organization of Primary Author


Primary author

Mr Koji Takahashi (Japan)


Dr Keishi Sakamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Dr Ken Kajiwara (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Noriyuki Kobayashi (JAEA) Dr Ysuhisa Oda (JAEA)

Presentation materials