Yuji Hatano
Tritium (T) inventory in tungsten (W) after neutron (n) irradiation is an important safety problem because radiation defects trap hydrogen isotopes. Therefore, deuterium (D) retention in n-irradiated W has been examined in Japan/US joint project TITAN. In this project, small W disks were irradiated in High Flux Isotope Reactor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory at coolant temperature (ca. 50 degree Celsius) to 0.025 dpa and exposed to high flux D plasma at 100 – 500 degree Celsius in Idaho National Laboratory. Irradiation of 20 MeV W self-ions at room temperature to 0.5 dpa has also been performed to understand effects of displacement damages without transmutation. The ion-irradiated W specimens were exposed to low energy, low flux D atoms and D_2 gas not to modify the damaged structure near the surface at 130 – 600 degree Celsius. Deuterium depth profiles and detrapping energy were examined by nuclear reaction analysis and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), respectively. Both n- and ion-irradiations led to rather high D retention (0.1 – 1 atomic percent) even at high temperatures (at/above 500 degree Celsius) due to the presence of strong trapping sites with detrapping energy of ca. 2 eV. Those defects were thermally stable at least up to 700 degree Celsius. These observations suggest that baking in vacuum at moderate temperatures could not be so effective for T removal. Nevertheless, significant D release from the ion-irradiated W was observed even at 200 degree Celsius under the exposure to H atoms.
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Yuji Hatano