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13–17 May 2019
Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Exploring MDSplus data‐acquisition and analysis software with JupyterLab

15 May 2019, 15:25
2h 35m
Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Board: P/2-6
Poster Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Poster


Fernando Santoro (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center )


MDSplus is a software tool dedicated to data acquisition, storage and analysis used for complex scientific experiments. MDSplus has been used for data managment for fusion experiments for years, and this paper will demonstrate it can be used for a wide variety of systems as well. We will show how to set up a very simple experiment, manage data retrival, storage and consumtion using MDSplus and Python.

A custom device is used as the data provider. This device is an open-source electronics platform hardware that consists of a microcomputer and sensors. It will be able to read inputs from the sensors and the data collected will then be stored in the MDSplus tree structure for future analisys and processing.

JupyterLab is used as the interactive development environment. It allows for code development, notebooks and data visualization. In it, our MDSplus device will be defined, executed and the results will then be visualized and explored.

Primary authors

Fernando Santoro (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center ) Mr Thomas Fredian (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center ) Stephen Lane-Walsh (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center ) Mr Joshua Stillerman (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center )

Presentation materials