A database dedicated to development of machine learning based disruption predictors (in session "Poster")
A database dedicated to development of machine learning based disruption predictors (in session "Minioral")
A full stack data acquisition, archive and access solution for J-TEXT based on Web technologies (in session "Poster facult.")
A full stack data acquisition, archive and access solution for J-TEXT based on Web technologies (in session "Plenary Oral")
Advances and challenges in KSTAR plasma control toward long-pulse, high-performance experiments (in session "Plenary Oral")
Advances and challenges in KSTAR plasma control toward long-pulse, high-performance experiments (in session "Poster facult.")
An efficient MHD equilibrium solver for control oriented transport models (in session "Plenary Oral")
An efficient MHD equilibrium solver for control oriented transport models (in session "Poster facult.")
An overview of the upgrade of the TCABR tokamak (in session "Poster")
An overview of the upgrade of the TCABR tokamak (in session "Minioral")
Application of LHD Post Data Analysis Systems to the KSTAR Project (in session "Plenary Oral")
Application of LHD Post Data Analysis Systems to the KSTAR Project (in session "Poster facult.")
Automatic recognition of anomalous patterns in discharges by recurrent neural networks (in session "Poster facult.")
Automatic recognition of anomalous patterns in discharges by recurrent neural networks (in session "Plenary Oral")
Automatic recognition of plasma relevant events: implications for ITER (in session "Plenary Oral")
Automatic recognition of plasma relevant events: implications for ITER (in session "Poster facult.")
Control system of Neutral Particle Analyser in energy sweeping mode. (in session "Plenary Oral")
Control system of Neutral Particle Analyser in energy sweeping mode. (in session "Poster facult.")
Current State of DIII-D Plasma Control System (in session "Plenary Oral")
Current State of DIII-D Plasma Control System (in session "Poster facult.")
Design and Development of a Cost Optimized Timing System for Steady state Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) (in session "Plenary Oral")
Design and Development of a Cost Optimized Timing System for Steady state Superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) (in session "Poster facult.")
Design and development plan for control and data acquisition system of Thailand Tokamak 1 (TT1) (in session "Minioral")
Design and development plan for control and data acquisition system of Thailand Tokamak 1 (TT1) (in session "Poster")
Design for the Distributed Data Locator Service for Multi-site Data Repositories (in session "Plenary Oral")
Design for the Distributed Data Locator Service for Multi-site Data Repositories (in session "Poster facult.")
Design of GPU-based Parallel Computation Architecture of Thomson Scattering Diagnostic in KSTAR (in session "Plenary Oral")
Design of GPU-based Parallel Computation Architecture of Thomson Scattering Diagnostic in KSTAR (in session "Poster facult.")
Design of the Interlock System for MITICA (in session "Plenary Oral")
Design of the Interlock System for MITICA (in session "Poster facult.")
Determination of Radiated Power Density Profile Using Bolometer Data for DT Baseline Scenario at JET (in session "Minioral")
Determination of Radiated Power Density Profile Using Bolometer Data for DT Baseline Scenario at JET (in session "Poster")
Development of a new CODAS for the TCABR tokamak (in session "Poster")
Development of a new CODAS for the TCABR tokamak (in session "Minioral")
Development of high-current power supplies for the TCABR tokamak (in session "Poster")
Development of high-current power supplies for the TCABR tokamak (in session "Minioral")
Development of Local-Imaging and High-Speed Visible Diagnostics for Real-Time Plasma Boundary Reconstruction of EAST (in session "Minioral")
Development of Local-Imaging and High-Speed Visible Diagnostics for Real-Time Plasma Boundary Reconstruction of EAST (in session "Poster")
Development of real time framework for parallel streaming data processing (in session "Minioral")
Development of real time framework for parallel streaming data processing (in session "Poster")
Development of the JT-60SA Experiment Database System (in session "Poster")
Development of the JT-60SA Experiment Database System (in session "Minioral")
Disruption Predictor Based on Neural Network and Anomaly Detection (in session "Plenary Oral")
Disruption Predictor Based on Neural Network and Anomaly Detection (in session "Poster facult.")
Dockerizing MDSplus for use with custom data collection devices (in session "Plenary Oral")
Dockerizing MDSplus for use with custom data collection devices (in session "Poster facult.")
EAST MDSplus Log Data Management System (in session "Poster")
EAST MDSplus Log Data Management System (in session "Minioral")
EAST research activities on control and data toward CFETR (in session "Plenary Oral")
EAST research activities on control and data toward CFETR (in session "Poster facult.")
Evaluation of the Backup Signal-Processing System of the KSTAR Quench Detection System (in session "Poster")
Evaluation of the Backup Signal-Processing System of the KSTAR Quench Detection System (in session "Minioral")
Exploring MDSplus data‐acquisition and analysis software with JupyterLab (in session "Poster")
Exploring MDSplus data‐acquisition and analysis software with JupyterLab (in session "Minioral")
Fast scenario design for alternative magnetic diverted discharge on EAST (in session "Plenary Oral")
Fast scenario design for alternative magnetic diverted discharge on EAST (in session "Poster facult.")
First experience with the W7-X Fast Interlock System (in session "Poster")
First experience with the W7-X Fast Interlock System (in session "Minioral")
Framework for development of software for laboratory equipment and experimental setup subsystems integrated into large scale DAQ systems (LabBot) (in session "Poster")
Framework for development of software for laboratory equipment and experimental setup subsystems integrated into large scale DAQ systems (LabBot) (in session "Minioral")
From Tore Supra to WEST : Evolution of CODAC infrastructure (in session "Poster facult.")
From Tore Supra to WEST : Evolution of CODAC infrastructure (in session "Plenary Oral")
Graphic interactive environment for remote data analysis and visualization with a view on ITER (in session "Poster")
Graphic interactive environment for remote data analysis and visualization with a view on ITER (in session "Minioral")
Implementation of an FPGA-based DAQ and Processing system for Neutron-Diagnostics using Nominal Device Support, OpenCL and MTCA (in session "Poster")
Implementation of an FPGA-based DAQ and Processing system for Neutron-Diagnostics using Nominal Device Support, OpenCL and MTCA (in session "Minioral")
Integrated Data Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval for Glass Spherical Tokamak (GLAST) (in session "Plenary Oral")
Integrated Data Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval for Glass Spherical Tokamak (GLAST) (in session "Poster facult.")
Integration of data acquisition devices in the ITER Real-Time Framework using Nominal Device Support (in session "Poster")
Integration of data acquisition devices in the ITER Real-Time Framework using Nominal Device Support (in session "Minioral")
Introduction of ITER CODAC Relevant Technologies on JET and MAST (in session "Plenary Oral")
Introduction of ITER CODAC Relevant Technologies on JET and MAST (in session "Poster facult.")
ITER Operation Application Systems for plant system integration and commissioning (in session "Plenary Oral")
ITER Operation Application Systems for plant system integration and commissioning (in session "Poster facult.")
Low-risk Beginning of the Density Feedback Control in KSTAR (in session "Poster")
Low-risk Beginning of the Density Feedback Control in KSTAR (in session "Minioral")
MARTe2 and MDSplus integration for a comprehensive Fast Control and Data Acquisition System (in session "Plenary Oral")
MARTe2 and MDSplus integration for a comprehensive Fast Control and Data Acquisition System (in session "Poster facult.")
MDSplus Workshop (in session "MDSplus Workshop")
Methodology to standardize the development of FPGA-based intelligent DAQ and processing systems on heterogeneous platforms using OpenCL (in session "Poster facult.")
Methodology to standardize the development of FPGA-based intelligent DAQ and processing systems on heterogeneous platforms using OpenCL (in session "Plenary Oral")
Multi-channel analog lock-in system for real-time motional Stark effect measurements (in session "Poster")
Multi-channel analog lock-in system for real-time motional Stark effect measurements (in session "Minioral")
Navigational Data Management - A general approach to representation and exploitation of relationships in scientific data sets (in session "Poster facult.")
Navigational Data Management - A general approach to representation and exploitation of relationships in scientific data sets (in session "Plenary Oral")
New decimation method for fusion research data (in session "Minioral")
New decimation method for fusion research data (in session "Poster")
Plasma Diagnostics in the Optical and X-Ray Regions on the IEC Plasma Device (in session "Minioral")
Plasma Diagnostics in the Optical and X-Ray Regions on the IEC Plasma Device (in session "Poster")
Preparations for the control of HL-2M first plasma campaign (in session "Poster")
Preparations for the control of HL-2M first plasma campaign (in session "Minioral")
Rapid prototyping of advanced control schemes in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Poster facult.")
Rapid prototyping of advanced control schemes in ASDEX Upgrade (in session "Plenary Oral")
Real-time classification of L-H transition and ELM in KSTAR (in session "Poster")
Real-time classification of L-H transition and ELM in KSTAR (in session "Minioral")
Real-time ELM recognition system based on deep learning (in session "Poster")
Real-time ELM recognition system based on deep learning (in session "Minioral")
Real-time MHD Analysis Computer System Design, Architecture, and Integration with PCS (in session "Plenary Oral")
Real-time MHD Analysis Computer System Design, Architecture, and Integration with PCS (in session "Poster facult.")
Real-Time Processing the MSE data with GPGPU in KSTAR (in session "Minioral")
Real-Time Processing the MSE data with GPGPU in KSTAR (in session "Poster")
Realization of the requirements for a safe operation of Wendelstein 7-X (in session "Poster")
Realization of the requirements for a safe operation of Wendelstein 7-X (in session "Minioral")
Recent Diagnostic Developments with the ASDEX Upgrade Standard Data Acquisition System using the FPGA implemented Serial I/O card „SIO2“ (in session "Plenary Oral")
Recent Diagnostic Developments with the ASDEX Upgrade Standard Data Acquisition System using the FPGA implemented Serial I/O card „SIO2“ (in session "Poster facult.")
Reliable Local Controller for ITER Coil Power Supply (in session "Poster")
Reliable Local Controller for ITER Coil Power Supply (in session "Minioral")
Remote Experiment with WEST from ITER Remote Experiment Centre (in session "Plenary Oral")
Remote Experiment with WEST from ITER Remote Experiment Centre (in session "Poster facult.")
Standardization of software device driver implementation for data acquisition and timing devices in ITER CODAC Core System: Nominal Device Support (in session "Poster")
Standardization of software device driver implementation for data acquisition and timing devices in ITER CODAC Core System: Nominal Device Support (in session "Minioral")
State-full Asynchronous Event Server and Clients (in session "Poster facult.")
State-full Asynchronous Event Server and Clients (in session "Plenary Oral")
Strategy for diagnostics integration into W7-X CoDaC for OP2 (in session "Plenary Oral")
Strategy for diagnostics integration into W7-X CoDaC for OP2 (in session "Poster facult.")
Summary (in session "Plenary Summary and Closing")
The first implementation of active divertor heat flux feedback control in EAST PCS (in session "Plenary Oral")
The first implementation of active divertor heat flux feedback control in EAST PCS (in session "Poster facult.")
The Implementation and operation of the 4th version of KSTAR Fast Interlock System (in session "Poster")
The Implementation and operation of the 4th version of KSTAR Fast Interlock System (in session "Minioral")
The Information Technology tools for remote participation and remote experiment control of WEST (in session "Poster")
The Information Technology tools for remote participation and remote experiment control of WEST (in session "Minioral")
The MAST Upgrade Plasma Control System (in session "Poster")
The MAST Upgrade Plasma Control System (in session "Minioral")
Use of Actuator management in ASDEX Upgrade control (in session "Poster")
Use of Actuator management in ASDEX Upgrade control (in session "Minioral")
Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator (in session "Poster facult.")
Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator (in session "Plenary Oral")
W7-X Logbook REST API for processing metadata and experiment data enrichment at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (in session "Poster")
W7-X Logbook REST API for processing metadata and experiment data enrichment at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (in session "Minioral")
Web-based Streamed Waveform Display using MDSplus events and Node.js (in session "Poster")
Web-based Streamed Waveform Display using MDSplus events and Node.js (in session "Minioral")
WestBox: an object-oriented software component for WEST CODAC (in session "Poster")
WestBox: an object-oriented software component for WEST CODAC (in session "Minioral")
Include materials from selected contributions