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17–22 Oct 2016
Kyoto International Conference Center
Japan timezone

Status of Tokamak T-15MD

21 Oct 2016, 08:30
Kyoto International Conference Center

Kyoto International Conference Center

Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan
Poster FIP - Fusion Engineering, Integration and Power Plant Design Poster 7


Dr Petr Khvostenko (NRC"Kurchatov Institute")


Presently, the Tokamak T-15MD is being built. The magnet system of the Tokamak T-15MD will obtain and confine the hot plasma in the divertor configuration. Plasma parameters are a major radius of 1.48 m, a minor radius of 0.67 m, an elongation of 1.7-1.9 and a triangularity of 0.3-0.4. Tokamak T-15MD will equipped with the auxiliary plasma heating and current drive (Paux =15 - 20 MW) systems. One of the main tasks of experimental study program on T-15MD is the obtaining of physical and technological data needed both for ITER project support and fusion neutron source creation. The manufacturing of the Tokamak T-15MD magnet system and of vacuum chamber shell was completed. At present time, the preliminary assembly of the magnet system is conducted at the plant in Bryansk. The disassembly of the superconducting tokamak T-15 should be finished in middle of 2016 and T-15MD assembling must begin in NRC “Kurchatov Institute” in the end of 2016. Status of engineering systems modernization is presented too.
Country or International Organization Russian Federation
Paper Number FIP/P7-40

Primary author

Dr Petr Khvostenko (NRC"Kurchatov Institute")


Dr Alexei Sushkov (NRC"Kurchatov Institute") Dr Eduard Bondarchuk (JSC"NIIEFA") Dr Gennady Notkin (NRC"Kurchatov Institute") Dr Igor Anashkin (NRC"Kurchatov Institute") Dr Igor Levin (NRC"Kurchatov Institute") Dr Mikhail Sokolov (NRC"Kurchaton Institute") Mr Nikolay Injutin (GKMP group) Prof. Oleg Filatov (JSC"NIIEFA") Prof. Valery Belyakov (JSC"NIIEFA") Dr Vyacheslav Krylov (JSC"NIIEFA")

Presentation materials