The purpose of this session is:
• To discuss the developments and challenges being faced dealing with materials resulting from decommissioning activities
• To consider the integration of decommissioning and waste management activities from initial planning to final waste disposal (including management of problematic materials)
Frédéric LEGEE
(Andra), Mr
26/05/2016, 09:10
Optimizing Waste and Materials Management in Decommissioning
It is estimated that by 2030, the dismantling of nuclear installations in France will have generated more than 700,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste.
As an agency tasked with offering disposal solutions for all radioactive waste, Andra has an important role to play, whether in adapting waste management conditions to the specific needs of dismantling, studying ways of recycling some...
Nieves Martin Palomo
26/05/2016, 09:35
Optimizing Waste and Materials Management in Decommissioning
The radioactive waste produced during decommissioning operations have to be characterized, treated, conditioned and store on site under the Decommissioning License, and they must to meet the requirements established in the:
• Transport Regulations
• Disposal Acceptance Criteria and Package specifications Site (El Cabril repository)
Decommissioning and radioactive waste management...
Vladimir SMYKOV
(Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia)
26/05/2016, 10:25
Optimizing Waste and Materials Management in Decommissioning
In 2002 after successful work over a period 46 years the research reactor BR-10 (RR BR-10) was shut down and transfer into decommissioning status. The total amounts of alkaline coolant radioactive waste are approximately 18 m3 with the total activity in excess of 37 TBq (1000Ci). These are: sodium - 9 m3, including sodium from 16 cold traps oxides; alloy NaKHg - 4,5 m3 with a ratio 44% - 48,5%...