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26 May 2016, 09:10


Oral Optimizing Waste and Materials Management in Decommissioning Session 5A - 1


Mr Frédéric LEGEE (Andra)Mr Michel DUTZER (Andra)


It is estimated that by 2030, the dismantling of nuclear installations in France will have generated more than 700,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste. As an agency tasked with offering disposal solutions for all radioactive waste, Andra has an important role to play, whether in adapting waste management conditions to the specific needs of dismantling, studying ways of recycling some radioactive waste to save space in disposal facilities, or securing dismantling scenarios. This approach requires close collaboration with other stakeholders involved in dismantling (such as licensees, operators and transporters), in order to set up the most appropriate tools and organisation system and optimise all aspects of waste management. Regarding radioactive waste, a successful dismantling operation is one that has sought to optimise every aspect of radioactive waste management, from the production of waste to its disposal, including waste characterisation, processing, packaging and transport. Optimisation seeks to minimise personnel exposure to ionising radiation, as well as minimise costs, limit waste production, and make optimal use of capacity at waste disposal facilities. As a provider of long-term management solutions (including disposal) for all radioactive waste, and because all the stages that precede disposal depend on how this waste is managed, Andra plays a part in the dismantling process and must therefore coordinate its actions with those of the other stakeholders involved in dismantling: nuclear licensees responsible for the outcome of their installations, other operators active on the sites, industrial partners equipped with waste processing tools, and transporters.
Country or International Organization FRANCE
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Primary author

Mr Michel DUTZER (Andra)


Mr Frédéric LEGEE (Andra)

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