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KIT Competence Center for Decommissioning – An Overview

25 May 2016, 09:00


Poster Technical and Technological Aspects of Implementing Decommissioning Programmes Session 4A - Poster


Mr Martin Brandauer (KIT)


The process of decommissioning a nuclear facility is the last step in closing the life cycle of a nuclear power plant. Due to political, economic and technological issues, this activity has been significantly increased worldwide, creating demand and opportunities for highly-skilled workers. Therefore, the education of adequate personnel, developing new technologies and improving existing techniques is of utmost importance. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), with its long tradition in nuclear research, already features a broad range of know-how in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities at its different institutes and organizational entities. In order to bundle this expertise, allow synergies within the research activities and intensify joint research, the “Competence Center for Decommissioning” has been established in February 2015 at KIT. This presentation will introduce this new entity and its major partners and give a short overview of current research activities.
Country or International Organization Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
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Primary author

Mr Martin Brandauer (KIT)


Prof. Sascha Gentes (KIT) Dr Walter Tromm (KIT)

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