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25 May 2016, 09:00


Poster Technical and Technological Aspects of Implementing Decommissioning Programmes Session 4A - Poster


Mr Leon Kegel (ARAO-Agency for Radwaste Management,)


The paper presents the general overview of preparation, validation, review and steps of approval of Decommissioning Program (DP) for NPP with shared ownership. The Krško NPP is a nuclear power plant in Slovenia, in commercial operation since 1983. It is a 700 MW two loop PWR NPP designed and constructed by Westinghouse. In the time of the construction the power plant was constructed in Yugoslavia, which was a federal state consisted of several federal republics. The investment in the power plant was a joint venture undertaking of utilities from two federal republics, namely Slovenia and Croatia. Joint investment was by Slovenian and Croatian utilities in equal shares. Since 1991 Slovenia and Croatia are independent states, and since 2004 and 2013 both countries (Slovenia and Croatia respectively) also member states of the EU. NPP is situated in Slovenia and its operation is governed by Slovenian legislation and Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) is the regulator body in the Slovenia. Currently the plant is owned by state-owned Slovenian and Croatian utilities (i.e. GEN energija d. o. o. and Hrvatska Elektroprivreda d. d., respectively). All legal and other issues regarding the NPP Krško were agreed between the countries by a bilateral Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter the contracting parties) on the Regulation of the Status and Other Legal Relations Regarding the Investment, Exploitation and Decommissioning of the Krško NPP (hereinafter the Agreement). The bilateral Agreement which entered into force in March 2003. According to the Agreement the Program of NPP Krško Decommissioning and Program for SF and LILW Disposal (hereinafter the Programs) should be approved before put into force by both contracting parties trough the Intergovernmental Commission (hereafter the Commission) supervising the implementation of the Agreement. The main purpose of the Programs is to estimate the overall expenses of the future decommissioning, radioactive waste and spent fuel management of the NPP Krško in order to collect sufficient financial assets in separate funds in Croatia and in Slovenia. The paper will give general overview and some organizational aspects of preparation the expert work for the preparation and approval of a decommissioning program for a NPP with shared ownership according to the Agreement.
Country or International Organization Slovenia, ARAO
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Primary author

Mr Leon Kegel (ARAO-Agency for Radwaste Management,)


Mr Tomaž Žagar (ARAO)

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