Technical Session 15: Issues and Approaches for Information and Records and Data Management
- Elizabeth Griffin
- Zaven (Co-chair) Hakopov (IAEA)
Taghrid Atieh
10/11/2016, 15:30
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
Many nuclear glossaries of technical terms, along with their formal definitions, have been produced by Standards Development Organizations, IAEA, and other national and international nuclear organizations. The formal definitions of these technical terms in the different glossaries are not always consistent, but provide multiple/different definitions to many of the terms used in the nuclear...
Habiba ADNAN
(Malaysian Nuclear Agency)
10/11/2016, 15:45
Track 2: Managing knowledge for new build projects and programmes in newcomer and expanding countries
Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) is heavily reliant on information in order to accomplish its strategic research & development, and commercialization (R&D&C) outcomes. Since its beginning in 1972, the activity of Information Management (IM) – Records Management (RM) is always integrated in the process of knowledge repository. Division of Information Management (DIM) is the custodian...
Vidhi Jain
(ICLES College of Science, Arts and Commerce and La Vastu labh Pvt. Ltd.)
10/11/2016, 16:00
Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management
Whatever a user wants is available on the internet, but to retrieve the information efficiently, a multilingual and most-relevant document search engine is a must. Most of the current search engines are word based or pattern based. They do not consider the meaning of the query posed to them; purely based on the keywords of the query; no support of multilingual query and dismissal of...