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Record Management Audit: Nuclear Malaysia’s Experience

10 Nov 2016, 15:45
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 2: Managing knowledge for new build projects and programmes in newcomer and expanding countries Technical Session 15


Ms Habiba ADNAN (Malaysian Nuclear Agency)


Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) is heavily reliant on information in order to accomplish its strategic research & development, and commercialization (R&D&C) outcomes. Since its beginning in 1972, the activity of Information Management (IM) – Records Management (RM) is always integrated in the process of knowledge repository. Division of Information Management (DIM) is the custodian for the agency’s knowledge repository and also responsible to ensure its compliance with the National Archive of Malaysian Act 2003 (Act 629), as well as to address the needs of 3s - Safety, Security and Safeguards outlined by IAEA. In 2013, Nuclear Malaysia has launched KM Nuclear Policy which includes KM audit committee, to oversee and provide checks and balances for KM initiative programmes. The first KM audit conducted was the Record Management Audit (RMA), started in 2014. The journey faced some challenges from people, process and technology and later completed in 2015 with accumulation of new knowledge derived for the KM improvement. RMA is a unique process which needs to be shared with others because it offers example and experience from the perspective of nuclear R&D agency.
Country or International Organization Malaysia

Primary author

Ms Habiba ADNAN (Malaysian Nuclear Agency)


Mr Mohd Hafizal Yusof (Malaysian Nuclear Agency) Mrs Norzehan Ngadiron (Malaysian Nuclear Agency) Mrs Rudarul Morhaya Ismail (Malaysian Nuclear Agency)

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