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Knowledge Management in the Neutronics Group of CAREM Project

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-68
poster Track 7: KM in nuclear technology research, development and innovation Poster Session


Ms Lourdes Torres (CNEA)


An analysis of the Neutronics Group of CAREM25 project was performed in order to plan for the gradual implementation of knowledge management. The group structure, performed tasks and the way these tasks are linked together were studied. Staff functions within the group, profiles of each position and the training and education of human resources were also analyzed.
Country or International Organization Argentina

Primary author

Ms Lourdes Torres (CNEA)


Mr Edmundo Lopasso (Instituto Balseiro (IB), Bariloche, Argentina)

Presentation materials

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