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Technical Support Organization Knowledge Management for Nuclear Regulatory Support

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-50
poster Track 5: KM for nuclear regulatory compliance Poster Session


Mr Peter Kohut (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Knowledge management awareness has increased through the nuclear industrial and regulatory community leading to better understanding of the handling of critical information. Utilizing, managing and regulating the application of nuclear power require an extensive system of expertise and associated research through established organizations. The long-term maintenance of the specific expertise is only viable by using scientific knowledge management principles all through the national nuclear infrastructure involving regulatory, industrial, academic and other research institutions. National governments in countries operating or planning to establish nuclear facilities have instituted regulatory regimes on the use of nuclear materials and facilities to insure a high level of operational safety.
Country or International Organization USA

Primary author

Mr Peter Kohut (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Mr Jack Ramsey (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Mr Sergey Katsenelenbogen (Advanced Systems Technology & Management Inc. (AdSTM), Vienna, VA 22182, USA)

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