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Managing Knowledge for Operators of Chashma Nuclear Power Generating Station (CNPGS) at Chashma Centre of Nuclear Training (CHASCENT)

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-40
poster Track 3: Managing knowledge for operating nuclear facilities Poster Session


Mr Muhammad Imran (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Pakistan)


It is important for a developing country with expanding nuclear power program to acquire the ability for the safe and efficient operation of nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants. Nuclear knowledge and its effective management are key drivers of both performance and safe operations of NPPs and educational establishments. Nuclear facilities operate over very long timescales, during which operational conditions and technologies change. Appropriate knowledge for decision-making is vital especially for operators involved in decision making because their wrong actions may affect nuclear safety due to lack of knowledge. Effective knowledge management supports safe operation as well as decision making process for both operators and decision makers throughout their carrier to take right actions with right knowledge. This paper focuses on people, processes and technology to manage knowledge, skills and ability of NPP operators to use, critically review and discuss the MCR logbook, integrating related operating experience (OE) in lesson plans, acquiring tacit knowledge from subject matter experts (SMEs) and lessons learned from training activities and reports at the organization level.
Country or International Organization Pakistan

Primary author

Mr Muhammad Imran (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Pakistan)

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