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Knowledge Management in the IAEA Department of Safeguards

9 Nov 2016, 14:00
Press Room (IAEA M-Building)

Press Room

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Technical Session 12


Ms Snezana Konecni (IAEA SGCP/CPD)


Knowledge Management (KM) is an integral part of the Departmental Quality Management System because knowledge (i.e. the ‘know-how’, ‘know-when’, ‘know-who’, ‘know-why’, etc.) is needed to produce high quality products and services on a daily basis. The ability to continue providing such products and services is challenged each time an experienced staff member leaves the IAEA due to retirement or end of contract and takes with them important job-related knowledge. The most important assets in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Department of Safeguards (SG) are people and their knowledge. The Department of Safeguards developed a knowledge management (KM) framework and the corresponding approaches as well as specific guidelines for its implementation. Knowledge retention (KR) is part of knowledge management and focusses on eliminating the risk of losing the critical job-related knowledge by putting in place a systematic knowledge retention plan. Particularly, for knowledge retention, the Safeguards Division of Concepts and Planning (SGCP) developed a model to draw out and capture the critical knowledge and making it available for use by others. This paper describes the knowledge retention model/approach and lessons learned from implementing the knowledge management programme in SG.
Country or International Organization IAEA

Primary author

Ms Snezana Konecni (IAEA SGCP/CPD)


Ms Judith Carrillo de Fischer (IAEA)

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