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Nuclear Knowledge Creation and Transfer in Enriched Learning Environments: A Practical Approach

8 Nov 2016, 09:45
BoardRoom B/M1 (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom B/M1

IAEA M-Building

Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
oral Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Technical Session 1


Mr Francisco Ruiz (TECNATOM, S.A.)


Technology, the social nature of learning and the generational learning style are conforming new models of training that are changing the roles of the instructors, the channels of communication and the proper learning content of the knowledge to be transferred. New training methodologies are being using in the primary and secondary education and “Vintage” classroom learning does not meet the educational requirements of these methodologies; therefore, it’s necessary to incorporate them in the Knowledge Management processes used in the nuclear industry. This paper describes a practical approach of an enriched learning environment with the purpose of creating and transferring nuclear knowledge.
Country or International Organization Spain

Primary author

Mr Francisco Ruiz (TECNATOM, S.A.)


Mr José Luis Delgado (TECNATOM, S.A.) Mr Juan Gonzalez (TECNATOM, S.A.)

Presentation materials

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