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Human Resource and Nuclear Awareness Development – A Common Synergetic Approach

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-32
poster Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Poster Session


Mr Andrejs Dreimanis (Radiation safety centre of the State Environment Service)


The nuclear education problem is treated as societal optimization task of nuclear energy management, with the key parameter of optimization – stakeholder awareness level. As the key principles of optimisation are chosen: a self-organization concept, 2) the principle of the requisite variety, where as a primary source of growth of internal variety is information and knowledge. We have shown: public education, social learning and the use of mass media are efficient self-organization mechanisms, thereby forming a knowledge-creating community. Such a created knowledge could facilitate solution of key issues: a) public acceptance of novel nuclear objects, b) promotion of adequate risk perception, and c) fostering of interest to nuclear energy. Comprehensive knowledge management and informational support firstly is needed in: a) for increasing general nuclear awareness and confidence level to nuclear activities, b) personnel education and training, c) reliable staff renascence, d) public education and involvement of all stakeholder categories in decision making, e) risk management. A common approach to nuclear education should include also comprehensive research activities, thereby joining knowledge acquisition with the generation of novel advanced knowledge.
Country or International Organization Latvia

Primary author

Mr Andrejs Dreimanis (Radiation safety centre of the State Environment Service)

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