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Design and Implementation of an Online Course on Nuclear Knowledge Management in Spanish

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-26
poster Track 1: Strategic and cross-cutting KM issues in organizations Poster Session


Mrs Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua (UNED)


This course aims the development of competencies in Nuclear Knowledge Management, both from the view of strategy and from that of the specific operation, within the organizations of the nuclear sector. It is an online course in Spanish, including didactic multimedia material specifically developed for the objectives of the course, having virtual tutoring activities in each thematic module. Active and collaborative learning is encouraged by means of forums for the interchange of opinions and experiences, as well as an exercise of converting the learning experience into initiatives that may be implemented within the organizations of the participants. A final questionnaire allows the evaluation of the main facts of the contents of the course. The experience has run very successfully in this first edition, and mechanisms for the evaluation of this initiative have been implemented, using learning analytics philosophy and retrieving data from activities proposed as surveys. We can highlight in this case the impressive networking achieved by the interaction of participants from different nuclear stakeholders, and the learning experience that sharing personal experiences in each course member organization has enabled. Lessons learned are also explained in order to implement them in next editions of the course.
Country or International Organization Spain

Primary author

Ms Mercedes Alonso-Ramos (UNED)


Mr Carlos Merino Moreno (ICA2 Innovación y Tecnología) Mr Néstor González Aure (ICA2 Innovación y Tecnología) Mrs Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua (UNED)

Presentation materials

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