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The Information Management Platform on Nuclear Emergency Resources of China

7 Nov 2016, 17:00
M0E & M01 (IAEA M-Building)

M0E & M01

IAEA M-Building

Board: Post-76
poster Track 8: Issues and approaches for information, records and data management Poster Session


Mr Li Dong (China National Nuclear Emergency Response Office (NNERO), CAEA)


The Chinese government has always attached great importance to nuclear emergency work, and has invested to form lots of nuclear emergency resources. Meanwhile, there also exist some management problems such as repeated investment, fragmented inventory list, inefficient management, etc. To achieve integrated management on the nuclear emergency resources of China, the Chinese government initiated the project ‘The Information Management Platform on Nuclear Emergency Resources of China’. The goal of the project is to support a timely, managed, controlled, coordinated and effective response while the resources managing process remains economically efficient. The project team firstly completed the nuclear emergency resources classification and encoding. Based on these, the nuclear emergency resources information management software system was developed. The pilot operation in the system was carried out both in Guangxi and Liaoning Province at the same time. Nuclear emergency resources survey was done as the relevant information was put into the database in these regions. The evaluation result on the pilot operation showed that, the information management platform on emergency resources would apparently improve efficiency of nuclear emergency preparedness and response, and it also would increase economical efficiency on inventory list, information management and invest decision.
Country or International Organization P.R.China

Primary author

Mr Li Dong (China National Nuclear Emergency Response Office (NNERO), CAEA)

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