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EDF Energy Nuclear New Build: Lessons Learned in Knowledge Management

9 Nov 2016, 14:15
BoardRoom A (IAEA M-Building)

BoardRoom A

IAEA M-Building

oral Track 2: Managing knowledge for new build projects and programmes in newcomer and expanding countries Technical Session 10


Ms Melanie Sachar (EDF Energy)


EDF Energy Nuclear New Build (NNB) is building two EPR reactors at Hinkley Point C in Somerset in the United Kingdom that will provide reliable, low carbon electricity to meet approximately 7% of the UK’s electricity needs. The Hinkley Point C project is well advanced. It has achieved planning consent, design approval for the EPR reactor and a nuclear site license. There is a well-developed supply chain with identified preferred bidders who are already heavily involved in construction planning. Training for needed skills is underway and industrial agreements with trade unions are in place. NNB has the unique opportunity to set Knowledge Management behaviours, culture, and standards for the Hinkley Point C project from project inception instead of working to change them, such as on an operational site.
Country or International Organization United Kingdom

Primary author

Ms Melanie Sachar (EDF Energy)


Mr George Borlodan (EDF Energy)

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