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19–23 Oct 2015
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

Instructions for the Preparation of Synopses

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
Formatting of Synopses

A template for synopses is available via the link below:

Each synopsis should feature a title, list of all authors and their affiliations, the email address of the main author, and a main body text. A template for synopses is provided at the bottom of the page.

The layout should thereby be prepared according to the following instructions:

Page size: A4 (297 mm by 210 mm) – vertical orientation

Full margins (left/right/top/bottom): 25 mm

Alignment: left

Font: Times New Roman only

Title: 14-point size, bold, first letter in capitals, first letter of each subsequent word in capitals except for articles and propositions

Authors: 12-point size

Affiliation and e-mail address: 12-point size

Text: 12-point size

Length: maximum 4 pages (including all tables and figures). Minimum word length 500 words

Content: the synopsis should be divided into sections giving information on 1. Introduction, 2. Method, 3. Results, and 4. Conclusions

Figures and tables: are permitted but must fit within the four-page limit

Citations: all citations should be indicated with consecutive numbers in brackets within the main body of the text i.e. [1] and must follow the IAEA citation style as shown below.


[1] STEPHENSON, R., Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill, New York (1958) 491 pp.

[2] GEYH, M.A., Messungen der Tritium-Konzentration in Salzlaugen, Kali Steinsalz 5 (1969) 208.

[3] INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION, Evaluation of Radiation Doses to Body Tissues from Internal Contamination due to Occupational Exposure, Publication 10, Pergamon Press, Oxford and New York (1968).

Further Guidance for Authors

When submitting a synopsis, authors should indicate whether they would prefer to give an oral or poster presentation, however the final decision on presentation formats will rest with the International Conference Programme Committee .

Authors are required to specify which topic from the Scientific Programme their synopsis pertains to by selecting from the given options provided under the "Track Classification" heading within the "Submit a New Synposis" tab.

All synopses submitted – other than invited keynote papers – must present original work and should not have been published elsewhere.

Important: The electronically received synopsis will be considered by the International Conference Programme Committee only if Participation Form (Form A) and Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) have been received by the IAEA through the established official channels.

Important: Authors need to provide the release right on Form B ‘Form for Submission of a Paper’.

Authors will be notified via email by 26 June 2015 as to whether their contributions have been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
The call for abstracts is closed.