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Legislative and regulatory framework for protecting emergency workers in Ukraine

28 Oct 2014, 15:50
Invited Emergency Preparedness and Response Session 3 (cont’d): Oral Session


Mrs Svitlana Chupryna (SSTC NRS, Ukraine)


Issues related to protection of emergency workers are regulated in Ukraine by a number of regulatory documents. Among them, there are documents of 1) upper legislative level, such as the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Human Protection against Ionising Radiation”; 2) state safety standards, such as Radiation Safety Standards of Ukraine (NRBU-97) and Basic Health and Safety Rules of Ukraine (OSPU-2005); 3) normative documents of the regulatory authority, such as “General Safety Provisions for NPPs”, “Requirements for NPP On-Site and Off-Site Emergency Centres”; 4) normative documents of the operating organisation, such as “Standard Emergency Plan for NPPs of Ukraine”, Procedure on Planning Doses of Emergency Workers, Procedure on Conducting Individual Dosimetry Control of External and Internal Exposure of Personnel in Conditions of Emergency, etc. The paper will present information on health and radiation regulations, procedures on issuing permission for higher exposure, definition of emergency personnel, and measures on protecting emergency workers. The main technical and organisational measures on protecting emergency workers include supervision over non-exceeding health and radiation regulations, restriction of exposure, conducting radiation survey on NPP premises and site, prophylaxis of external and internal exposure of personnel, decontamination, medical protection, arrangements for continuous monitoring and recording of doses received by emergency workers, procedures to ensure that doses received and contamination are monitored in accordance with established guidance and international standards, and arrangements for the provision of appropriate specialized protective equipment, both individual and collective, procedures and training for emergency response in the anticipated hazardous conditions, etc. Conclusions will be given on conformity of the Ukrainian regulatory framework in force for protecting emergency workers with the IAEA Safety Requirements GS-R-2 “Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency”.
Country or International Organisation Ukraine

Primary author

Mrs Svitlana Chupryna (SSTC NRS, Ukraine)


Mr Igor Shevchenko (SSTC NRS, Ukraine) Mrs Tatyana Litvinskaya (SSTC NRS, Ukraine) Mr Volodymyr Bogorad (SSTC NRS, Ukraine)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
