NDA Measurements I: Gamma Spectrometry
- Pascal Lemaire (France)
- Tapani Honkamaa (Finland)
NDA Measurements I: Gamma Spectrometry
- Pascal Lemaire (France)
- Tapani Honkamaa (Finland)
Ramkumar Venkataraman
(Canberra Industries (AREVA BUNM))
23/10/2014, 09:10
Working in close collaboration with the IAEA, Canberra Industries has developed an analysis tool that yields self-consistent radionuclide activities or masses contained in items commonly encountered in nuclear safeguards measurements. The tool, known as Advanced-ISOCS, is based on Canberra’s In Situ Calibration Software (ISOCS) and automatically adjusts source geometry parameters to yield an...
Jonathan Dreyer
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
23/10/2014, 09:30
We are developing the latest generation of highly portable, mechanically cooled germanium systems for safeguard applications. In collaboration with our industrial partner, PhDs Co, we have developed the Germanium Gamma Ray Imager (GeGI), an imager with a 2π field of view. This instrument has been thoroughly field tested in a wide range of environments and have performed reliably even in the...
Vladimir Danilenko
(LSRM Ltd)
23/10/2014, 09:50
Precise knowledge of gamma- and X-rays emission probabilities of uranium isotopes is vital for accurate gamma-spectrometric determination of the isotopic composition and quantity of uranium. The peak intensity ratio methods employing high resolution gamma-spectrometry and intrinsic efficiency calibration approach are known to provide most accurate and reliable isotopic information. When...
Zhongqi WANG
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
23/10/2014, 10:10
In this paper, the correction of the linear attenuation coefficient was discussed.
The coefficient used for self-absorption correcting of the emission data was reconstructed based on the transmission measurement data.Unlike the basic assumption of reconstruction, the data was measured from cone-like beam instead of the liner beam. The deviation of the coefficient reconstructed has contributed...
Artur Muehleisen
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements)
23/10/2014, 11:00
The Institute of Transuranium Elements (ITU) has made an effort to record a collection of medium resolution gamma-ray spectra from well-characterized U and Pu certified reference materials CRM-171 (also known as SRM-969), CBNM-271, and Harwell PIDIE standards. The goal of this exercise was twofold: (i) to complement the international database of reference gamma-ray spectra with high-quality...
Anne-Laure WEBER
23/10/2014, 11:20
Since about four decades, gamma evaluation codes for plutonium and uranium isotope abundance measurements are a key component of international, regional and domestic safeguards inspections. However, the development of these codes still relies upon a very limited number of experts. This led the safeguards authorities to express concerns, and to request continuity of knowledge and maintenance...
Hongjun Zhang
(China Acadimy of Engineering Physics)
23/10/2014, 11:40
The abundances of daughters of Uranium is important information to disclose the producing time of Uranium material but also to deduce if the Uranium material had been melted. But the abundance of those daughters is ultra trace, low to several 10-20%. It is difficult to analysis so far as to mass spectrum. For daughters such as 231Th and 211Bi, the emited measurable γ-ray, can be used to...
Tomas Ruther
(European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) - Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU))
23/10/2014, 12:00
The study deals with testing the versions 4.0 and 4.2 of the Multi-Group Analysis for Uranium (MGAU) software. MGAU is used for determining uranium isotopic composition by gamma spectrometry. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal measurement conditions needed to get the MGAU results as accurate as possible. The optimal number of total counts and the optimal count rate were...