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The Measurement of Uranium Decay Daughters of by NDA

23 Oct 2014, 11:40
Room M3 (M Building)

Room M3

M Building


Hongjun Zhang (China Acadimy of Engineering Physics)


The abundances of daughters of Uranium is important information to disclose the producing time of Uranium material but also to deduce if the Uranium material had been melted. But the abundance of those daughters is ultra trace, low to several 10-20%. It is difficult to analysis so far as to mass spectrum. For daughters such as 231Th and 211Bi, the emited measurable γ-ray, can be used to analysis their abundance accurately. Firstly the abundance of 234U, 235U and 238U can be acquired by MGAU code. Secondly a relative efficiency curve form 121 keV to 1001 keV can be fitted in combination with the areas of U isotopes full energy peak. Therefore the abundances of those daughters relative to U isotopes are possible to measured by thier γ-ray. For the daughters which could’t emit measurable γ-ray, their abundance can be given by principle of cascade decay balance.
Country or International Organization China

Primary author

Hongjun Zhang (China Acadimy of Engineering Physics)


Deshan Zhao (China Academy of Engineering Physics) Qihao Zhang (China Academy of Engineering Physics)

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