Overview 2: Inertial & Magnetic Fusion: OV/2
- Yong Liu (China)
Anatoly Krasilnikov
(Russian Federation)
13/10/2014, 14:00
OV - Overviews
Russian obligations in the ITER project consist of the development, manufacture, installation and putting into operation at the ITER site of 25 systems. At this stage Institution «Project center ITER» has signed with the ITER Organization 18 procurement arrangements for manufacture and supply of the equipment for ITER. Manufacture of the corresponding systems and development of other 7 systems...
Hartmut Zohm
13/10/2014, 14:20
OV - Overviews
Research on ASDEX Upgrade is programmatically focused on resolving physics questions that are key to the successful operation of ITER as well as informing design choices for a future DEMO reactor. From 2014 on, a significant part of the ASDEX Upgrade programme is run under the EUROfusion MST programme.
Using the flexible set of in-vessel helical perturbation coils, penetration of 3-d fields...
Katsumi Ida
13/10/2014, 14:45
OV - Overviews
The progress of physics understanding and concurrent parameter extension since the last IAEA-FEC 2012 [1] in the Large Helical Device is overviewed. Recently the plasma with high ion and electron temperature (Ti(0) ~ Te(0) ~ 6keV) is obtained by the combination of 1) a reduction of wall recycling and neutrals by Helium ICRF discharges and 2) optimization of carbon pellet injection and on-axis...
Ian Chapman
13/10/2014, 15:10
OV - Overviews
MAST addresses key issues for ITER and DEMO. Mitigation of ELMs with resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) with n=2,3,4,6 has been demonstrated: at higher and lower collisionality; for the first ELM; during the current ramp-up; when a sub-set of in-vessel coils fail; and with rotating n=3 RMPs. n=4,6 fields cause less braking whilst the power to access H-mode is less with n=4 than n=3,6....
Earl Marmar
13/10/2014, 15:35
OV - Overviews
Alcator C-Mod studies high-field, high-performance diverted plasmas in support of ITER and steps beyond, focussing on RF and microwave tools for heating and current drive, with all metal high-Z plasma-facing components. Stability analysis of pedestals in the I-mode regime finds that pressures are well below the peeling-ballooning limit, as well as expected kinetic ballooning mode thresholds,...