Englen Azizov
(Russian Federation)
Status of T-15 upgrade tokamak is presented. T-15 upgrade tokamak has the following parameters: R=1.48 m, a=0.67 m, B=2.0 T, Ipl= 2.0 MA. Poloidal system is capable of realizing the divertor both with single null and double null magnetic configuration and plasma shape with elongation k95 = 1.7-1.9 and triangularity delta 0.3-0.4. Installation will equipped with the auxiliary plasma heating and current drive (Paux =15 - 20 MW) systems. One of the main tasks of experimental study program on T-15 upgrade tokamak is the obtaining of physical and technological data for fusion neutron source creation. The design of electromagnetic system and vacuum chamber and also the modernization of engineering systems are described. Time schedule of T-15 upgrade tokamak assembling is presented. Physical start-up of the T-15 upgrade tokamak is outlined in 2016.
Country or International Organisation | Russian Federation |
Paper Number | FIP/3-2 |
Primary author
Englen Azizov
(Russian Federation)