Ken McClements
Fast particle-driven waves in the ion cyclotron frequency range (ion cyclotron emission or ICE) have provided a valuable diagnostic of confined and escaping fast ions in many tokamaks. This is a passive, non-invasive diagnostic that would be compatible with the high radiation environment of DT plasmas in ITER, and could provide important information on fusion alpha-particles and beam ions in that device. In JET ICE from confined fusion products scaled linearly with fusion reaction rate over six orders of magnitude [1] and provided evidence that alpha-particle confinement was close to classical [2]. In TFTR ICE was observed from super-Alfvenic alpha-particles in the plasma edge [3]. The intensity of beam-driven ICE in DIII-D is more strongly correlated with drops in neutron rate during fishbone excitation than signals from more direct beam ion loss diagnostics [4]. In ASDEX Upgrade ICE is produced by both super-Alfvenic DD fusion products and sub-Alfvenic D beam ions [5]. The magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability (MCI), driven by the resonant interaction of population-inverted energetic ions with fast Alfven waves, provides a credible explanation for ICE. One-dimensional PIC and hybrid simulations have been used to explore the nonlinear stage of the MCI [6,7], thereby providing a more exact comparison with measured ICE spectra and opening the prospect of exploiting ICE more fully as a fast ion diagnostic. For realistic values of fast ion concentration, the nonlinearly-saturated ICE spectrum closely resembles the measured spectrum. The PIC/hybrid approach should soon make it possible to simulate the nonlinear physics of ICE in full toroidal geometry. Emission has been observed at a wide range of poloidal locations, and so there is flexibility in the requirements of an ICE detector. Such a detector could be implemented in ITER by installing a toroidal loop or adding a detection capability to the ICRH antennae.
This work was part-funded by the RCUK Energy Programme and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.
[1] G.A. Cottrell et al., NF 33 (1993) 1365
[2] K.G. McClements et al. PRL 82 (1999) 2099
[3] S.J. Zweben et al., NF 40 (2000) 91
[4] W.W. Heidbrink et al., PP&CF 53 (2011) 085028
[5] R. D’Inca et al., Proc. 38th EPS Conf. Plasma Phys., P1.053 (2011)
[6] L. Carbajal et al., PoP 21 (2014) 012106
[7] J.W.S. Cook et al., PP&CF 55 (2013) 065003.
Country or International Organisation | UK |
Paper Number | TH/P3-28 |
Primary author
Ken McClements
Bill Heidbrink
(University of California)
Bob Harvey
James Cook
(University of Warwick)
Leopoldo Carbajal
(University of Warwick)
Richard Dendy
Rodolphe D'Inca
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
Sandra Chapman
(University of Warwick)
Simon Pinches
(ITER Organization)