PSI and PMI experiments
- Brian Wirth (University of Tennessee - Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
PSI and PMI experiments
- Kalle Heinola (IAEA)
Tritium (T) transport through the first wall into the coolant is a major concern in fusion reactor studies. When irradiated by plasmas, hydrogen permeation flux through in-vessel components would be significantly higher than that of gas-exposure cases. To support reactor design studies, low energy plasma-driven hydrogen isotope permeation through the first wall has been extensively...
In future thermonuclear devices such as DEMO displacement damage by 14 MeV fusion neutrons will be created in the plasma-facing materials while they are exposed to high fluxes of ions and neutrals of hydrogen isotopes (HIs) at elevated temperatures. It was shown in several studies in the past twenty years that HI retention and transport will be dominated by trapping at the defects created by...
To model hydrogen isotope migration and inventory in a metal under ion irradiation, rate equations are used. The diffusivity, solubility, surface barrier, reflection and sputtering coefficients, mean ion range, and binding energies of deuterium (D) with different types of defects are input parameters in the rate equations. Such parameters can be defined by ab initio calculations by DFT or MD...
Tungsten (W) is considered as a promising plasma-facing material for future fusion reactors. W components will be subjected to an intense flux of 14 MeV neutrons. This will result in creation of radiation defects, production of H and He, and transmutation of W to Rhenium (Re). Radiation defects can trap tritium fuel, posing a stringent limitation to tritium self-sufficiency.
MeV self-ion...
The first Tokamak Facility (TT-1) is commissioned in Thailand since July 2023. Various research and development activities in connection TT-1 are taking shape, domestically, regionally and internationally. There is an ongoing collaboration work between Thai researchers, NIFS (Japan), and ASIPP (China) on fusion neutron detection and measurement. A facility of linear device for fusion-related...
To investigate the effects of particle flux on deuterium (D) retention, a series of D plasma exposures were systematically investigated in recrystallized tungsten (W) at ~500 K using two linear plasma devices STEP and Magnum-PSI. A low flux plasma with the highest fluence of 1.0×10^28 m^-2 was achieved in STEP and a high flux plasma with the highest fluence of 1.0×10^29 m^-2 was achieved in...