A+M data for validation of tungsten erosion and transport simulations: status and prospects (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Abstract for Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology in Cambodia (in session "Poster session")
Active spectroscopy on Magnum-PSI to characterize atomic and molecular hydrogen in detached conditions (in session "A+M experiments")
Atomic collisional data for neutral beams and injected impurities in fusion plasmas (in session "A+M modelling")
Atomic data and collisional-radiative models of tungsten ions for fusion plasma (in session "A+M modelling")
Bulk, surfaces, and grain boundaries in the lifetime of cascades (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Collisional processes of B and BH in fusion plasmas (in session "A+M modelling")
Computational analysis of physical and chemically assisted physical sputtering in plasma-facing components (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Computer study of sputtering mechanisms of fusion relevant materials (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Configuration-Average Collisional-Radiative calculations, Ionization and Emission of low-density tungsten plasmas in the temperature range [800-5000] eV (in session "A+M modelling")
Database for modelling of D transport and accumulation in W-based and Fe-based materials for ITER and DEMO (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Deuterium retention in self-ion irradiated tungsten: influence of irradiation temperature, damage dose, and alloying elements (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Development of a Numerical Solver for Partially Ionized Plasma for Fusion Using an MHD Scheme (in session "Poster session")
EIRENE-related CRMs: development outlook (in session "A+M modelling")
Electron and positron collisions with atoms and molecules (in session "A+M modelling")
Energy levels, transition rates, lifetimes of transmutation of tungsten atoms He-like-(Hf, Ta, Re and Os) deduced from relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac–Hartree–Fock and many body perturbation theory calculations (in session "Poster session")
Evolution of ADAS (in session "A+M modelling")
Exploring Line Shapes in Fusion Plasmas under the Influence of Periodic Electric Fields (in session "Poster session")
FESTIM and HTM: leading Open-Source hydrogen transport modelling (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
FinnFusion (in session "Keynote")
Fuel retention and transport in fusion components (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Fuel retention properties in first wall material: the influence of microstructure, displacement damage and helium (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Future ITER fusion A&M data needs and applications (in session "Keynote")
Global 3D Modelling of Plasma-Wall Interactions in Fusion Devices: Applications and Data Needs in View of ITER and DEMO (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Hydrogen isotope dependence in dissociative electron attachment (in session "A+M modelling")
In-situ enhanced erosion of re-deposits: conclusions from modelling of tracer injection experiments (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Machine learning applications to line spectra emitted by magnetic fusion plasmas (in session "A+M modelling")
Molecular dynamics simulations of the defect evolution in tungsten on successive collision cascades (in session "Poster session")
Multi-scale modelling of H interactions on W surfaces and W/Cu interlayers (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Multiscale Modelling of Hydrogen Retention in High Dose Irradiated Microstructures (in session "Poster session")
On the damage threshold in an interstitial hydrogen-occupied tungsten lattice (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Opening words (in session "Opening Session")
Overview of Research Activities and Fusion Facilitites in Thailand (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Overview of the NIST research program on atomic data and modeling for fusion (in session "A+M experiments")
Overview of the status of Fusion Technology: Progress and Deployment (in session "Keynote")
Plasma and Neutral Beam Injector Guard Wall interaction using MCNP6 and GEANT4 (in session "Poster session")
Plasma-wall interactions in all-metal fusion devices - the W erosion quest (in session "A+M experiments")
Present status of modelling dynamically modifying rough and/or crystalline surfaces under energetic particle bombardment: Consequences for reflection and sputter yield distributions (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
R-matrix electron-impact excitation/ionization calculations for near-neutral ion stages of Tungsten (in session "A+M modelling")
Recent progress of collisional radiative modelling of H2 with Yacora and steps needed for D2 (in session "A+M modelling")
Refinement of Edge Plasma Density Measurement Using Bayesian Inference, Gaussian Process Methods, and CR Model Utilizing Hydrogen Atomic Data in the KSTAR BES System (in session "Poster session")
Simulation of interaction between dislocations and hydrogen/helium in tungsten (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
SOLPS modelling of the edge plasma (in session "A+M modelling")
Space-resolved radiation spectrum in the 15-300 Å domain in keV plasmas of the WEST tokamak (in session "Poster session")
Spectroscopic analysis of wall conditioning and ECR-heated pre-ionization phases in MT-I spherical tokamak (in session "Poster session")
Study of Electron impact single ionization tungsten ions W64+-W71+ (in session "Poster session")
The effect of an atomic hydrogen on the kink formation in a <111>{110} screw dislocation in bcc tungsten: atomistic study (in session "Poster session")
The EMC3-EIRENE kinetic trace ion transport module (in session "A+M modelling")
The side effects of hydrogen ions on tungsten surface due to glow discharge cleaning procedure in DAMAVAND tokamak (in session "Poster session")
Time-Dependent Plasma Surface Interaction Modeling to Address Dynamic Recycling in a Tungsten Divertor (in session "PSI and PMI modelling")
Tritium and neutron: research gaps in tritium transport in fusion reactor material (in session "PSI and PMI experiments")
Unveiling Surface Chemistry and Hardening Mechanisms in Fusion and Nuclear Materials (in session "Poster session")
Vibrational excitation of hydrogen molecules formed by atom recombination on tungsten (in session "A+M experiments")
WEST impurity spectra variation through ohmic reference pulses during C9 campaign in the 225-302 Å range (in session "Poster session")
Include materials from selected contributions