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15–18 Jul 2024
Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo
America/Sao_Paulo timezone

Russian FusionSpace.RU

17 Jul 2024, 14:30
Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo

Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo

Rua do Matão, 1371 - Butantã CEP05508-090 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Oral Data Storage and Retrieval, Distribution and Visulaization Data Storage and Retrieval, Distribution and Visulaization


Mr Sergey Portone (Project Center ITER)


Currently, a large amount of knowledge has been accumulated in the field of Fusion Research. Long-term experience of several generations of scientists disposes in accumulated experimental databases, theoretical works, mathematical models, codes, literature, technical documentation etc.
Modern information technologies make it possible to consolidate such databases on a single information platform and organize mass processing of this data in one IT space. As an example of such commodity processing are: cross checking the computation codes, data mining, tasks of multivariant optimization and classification plasma discharges, construction of empirical models, modeling of the discharges etc.
In addition, such an information platform makes it possible to provide a standardized access to experimental data from existing scientific installations from a single place for scientists, engineers and other profile specialists from other institutes and research centers. Such solutions, in particular, are the result of the modeling of the Russian Remote Participation Center for ITER (Model Russion Remote Participation Center - RPC [2]), whose tasks at the construction stage of the ITER installation is also to include comprehensive testing of the functions of remote interaction between the technological and diagnostic systems of the ITER installation during commissioning stage.
Currently, in Russia, Common IT space for Fusion Research - [1] – is being created. The main aim of this system is to unite main Fusion Research Scientific Institutes (physics, technology and materials) for performing joint research, development and construction activities in the field of controlled fusion.
The report presents platform, which makes it possible to unite Russian institutions for the exchange of experimental data and knowledge, sharing mathematical codes and computing resources, as well as conducting joint experiments in the frame of Remote Control Room, including the experience of creating a model of the Russian Center for Remote Participation ITER
The work was done under contract with state corporation “Rosatom” №Н.4к. and Task Agreement with International Organization ITER №IO/21/TA/4500000169.

[1] Infrastructural Hardware Platform of the Common IT Space
for Fusion Research (; S. Portone, E. Mironova, O.Semenov, Z. Ezhova, E. Semenov, A. Mironov, A. Larionov, N. Nagorny, A. Zvonareva, L. Grigoryan, D. Guzhev, A. Nikolaev, I. Semenov, and A. Krasilnikov; ISSN 1063-7788, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2023, Vol. 86, Suppl. 1, pp. S1–S9.
[2] Approach to Remote Participation in the ITER experimental program. Experience from model of Russian Remote Participation Center; O. Semenov, L. Abadie, A. Larionov, L. Lobes, X. Mocquard, A. Mironov, E. Mironova, N. Nagornyi, S. Portone, N. Pons, I. Semenov, D. Stepanov; 13th Technical Meeting on Plasma Control Systems, Data Management and Remote Experiments in Fusion Research.

Speaker's Affiliation Project Center ITER, Moscow
Member State or IGO Russian Federation

Primary author

Mr Sergey Portone (Project Center ITER)


Mr Alexey Larionov (Project Center ITER) Mr Denis Stepanov (ITER Organization) Ms Ekaterina Mironova (Project Center ITER) Igor Semenov (Project Center ITER (Russian Domestic Agency)) Leonid LOBES (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin av. 30, 634050 Tomsk, Russia) Mr Nikita Nagornyi (Project Center ITER) Oleg Semenov (Project Center ITER - Russian Domestic Agency)

Presentation materials