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27 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
Europe/Vienna timezone

Improved evaluation of the 17O system

29 Nov 2023, 15:00



XU Han (China Academy of Engineering Physics)


What we would like to present in this meeting are the results of the latest evaluation of the 17O system. In the calculation of the RAC program, we have added several new sets of integral cross section data and differential cross section data for the 13C(α,n)16O reaction on the basis of the original data. The newly added data also include the latest measurements by the Peking University. The newly added data are shown below:
Integral cross section
1.P.S.Prusachenko+ 2022
2.G.F.Cian+ 2021
3.B.Gao+ 2022
Differential cross section
1.M.Febbraro+ 2020
2.E.M.Gazeeva+ 2020
3.P.S.Prusachenko+ 2022
We are still in the process of adjusting the parameters in the RAC program calculations based on the latest added data to get a better result. We will present the latest fitting results at the meeting.

Primary authors

XU Han (China Academy of Engineering Physics) Zhenpeng Chen (Tsinghua University)

Presentation materials