Posters presented in paper format are a visual representation of your completed work that was proposed in your abstract. Please follow the guidelines available on this LINK.
Responsibilities of the Posters Presenters Prior to the Conference are:
- The poster should be in portrait format and size: A0 (1189 mm high and 841 mm wide)
- Each presenter is responsible for bringing their poster and affixing it onto their allocated board
- A PDF of the poster must be uploaded by 12 May 2024
The e-poster should be a visual presentation of your completed work that was proposed in your abstract. Please follow the guidelines available on this LINK.
Responsibilities of the e-Posters Presenters Prior to the Conference are:
- Upload your e-poster to INDICO by 12 May 2024. Instructions for uploading the presentation can be found below.
- Bring your e-poster to the Conference on a flash drive as a backup.
- Send an e-mail to in case you experience any technical difficulties uploading the materials in INDICO or if you do not want to have your presentation published on the Conference website.
Uploading your Presentation:
- Login into your INDICO account.
- In the menu on the left select 'My Contributions'.
- Click on the title of the abstract that you want to upload materials for.
- At the bottom of the page click on the pencil icon on the right side of 'Presentation Material'.
- Select 'Upload files' and choose the appropriate files to upload.
- Click the 'Upload' button in the bottom right-hand corner of the dialogue box.
- Please save your file with the INDICO ID number and your last name.
Send Biographical Information to the IAEA
Once you have completed all of the above tasks, please proceed to submit your biographical data to the IAEA following the steps below, this should also be completed by 7 June 2024.
- Complete the biographical data survey available here and answer all questions
- Separately to the survey, please also send via e-mail a 200px x 200px resolution portrait photograph (jpg format) to