MOD/2 A+M Data
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MOD/2 A+M Data
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MOD/2 A+M Data: Summary
- Martin O'Mullane (UkUStrath)
Modelling 2: A+M data, cross-sections, processes
In this talk will be presented our last results on electron-H$_2$ and -D$_2$ collisions. We will focus in particular on the vibrational-excitation, dissociative-attachment, dissociative-recombination and dissociative-excitation processes rotationally and vibrationally resolved.
W generation and transport study represents one of the hottest topics for next generation tokamaks with full metal plasma-facing components [1-4]. The existing W sputtering models are based on low density plasma sheath approximation [5-7], which might be not applicable for high density divertor plasmas expected in future machines, e.g. like ITER and DEMO.
In the given presentation we...
The present study has determined excitation energy of the 127 states of the transmutation of tungsten atoms He-like-(Hf, Ta, Re and Os). In this work, we use the ab initio MCDHF and MBPT methods implemented in GRASP2018 and FAC codes, respectively. We extend the calculation for n = 8 to improve the precision of the atomic data used in line identification, plasma modeling and diagnostics of...