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- JET Contributors . (Culham Science Centre)
- Lana Abadie (ITER Organization)
Paulo Abreu
(ITER Organization)
- Author in End-to-end intra-pulse data analysis at ITER: first steps from magnetics to live display
- Co-author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Co-author in On the use of Synthetic Diagnostics as Persistent Actors in Integrated Modelling workflows
- Sajidah Ahmed (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
- Jerome Alhage (Ghent University)
- feda almuhisen (cea cadarache)
- and JET Contributors* (EUROfusion)
- Clemente Angioni (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
- Miguel Astrain (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP))
- Tine Baelmans
- Renhua Bai (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Michael Bergmann (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Jakub Bielecki (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Roberto Bilato (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Maarten Blommaert (KU Leuven)
- Alexander Bock (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Jeff Candy (General Atomics)
- Leonardo Caputo (Ghent University)
- Stefano Carli (KU Leuven)
- Antonio Carpeño (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Jesús Chacón (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
- Lin Chen (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Shikui Cheng (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Randy Churchill (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
- External collaborators (See the author list S.A.M. McNamara et al 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 054002)
- Kingsley Collie (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK)
- Julian COLNEL
- Teddy CRACIUNESCU (National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics INFLPR, Magurele, Romania)
Qinglong Cui
- Author in Design Concept of Intelligent Integrated Control System for Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in Development of High-speed Data Acquisition System of Negative Ion Source Breakdown
- Author in Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
- Author in The Design of NBI Experimental Data Processing System
- FARAH DEEBA (National Tokamak Fusion Program,)
- Wouter Dekeyser (KU Leuven, Department of Mechanical Engineering)
- Severin Denk (General Atomics, San Diego, USA)
- Jeffrey De Rycke
- Shaun de Witt (UKAEA)
- Aleksei Dnestrovskii (Tokamak Energy Ltd., 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SD, United Kingdom)
- yubo dong (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Sebastián Dormido-Canto (UNED)
- Maksim Dubrov (ITER Organization)
- Dominik Dworak (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Francisco Esquembre (Universidad de Murcia)
- Sergio Esquembri (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Gonzalo Farias (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso)
- Chunrong Feng (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Rainer Fischer
- Ludovic FLEURY (cea)
- Dhaval Gadariya (CIEMAT)
- Sanket Gadgil (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK)
- Yu Gao (Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany)
- Odd Erik Garcia (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
- Darren Garnier (MIT Plasma Fusion Center)
- Pasquale Gaudio (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Michela Gelfusa (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Michael Gemmel (Tokamak Energy Ltd.)
- Zamir Ghany (CCFE)
- Kwon giil (Korea institute of Fusion Energy)
- Cesar Gonzalez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Tobias Görler (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Erwan Grelier (CEA, IRFM)
Yu Gu
- Author in Design Concept of Intelligent Integrated Control System for Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in Development of High-speed Data Acquisition System of Negative Ion Source Breakdown
- Author in Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
- Author in The Design of NBI Experimental Data Processing System
- Denis Guibert (CEA Cadarache)
- Casper Haems (Ghent University)
- Jussi Hakosalo (Tokamak Energy Ltd., 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SD, United Kingdom)
- Joseph Hall
- Olivier Hoenen (ITER Organization)
- Klara Höfler (IPP Greifswald)
- Christopher Holland (University of California San Diego)
Jonathan Hollocombe
- Author in IMAS simulation management and remote data access for ITER
- Co-author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Niels Horsten (KU Leuven)
Masanari Hosokawa
- Co-author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Nathaniel Howard (MIT - Plasma Science and Fusion Center)
Chundong Hu
- Author in Design Concept of Intelligent Integrated Control System for Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in Development of High-speed Data Acquisition System of Negative Ion Source Breakdown
- Author in Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
- Author in The Design of NBI Experimental Data Processing System
- Xianli Huang
- Bartłomiej Jabłonski (Lodz University of Technology, Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science, Łódź, Poland.)
- Marcin Jakubowski (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Axel Jardin (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Frank Jenko (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Rogerio Jorge (IST Lisbon)
- Tejas Khare (Georgia Tech)
- Sun Hee KIM (ITER Organization)
- Florian Koechl (ITER Organization)
- Krzysztof Krol (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Adam Q Kuang (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Brian LaBombard (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center)
- Hyunjung Lee (kfe)
- Woong-Ryol Lee (ITER Organization)
- Yang Lee
- Yang Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
- Evie Litherland-Smith (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK)
- yi liu
- Bart Lomanowski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA)
Alberto Luengo
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Nicolas Luhanko-Leman (Karazin National University)
- Yuan Luo (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Dariusz Makowski (Lodz University of Technology, Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science, Łódź, Poland.)
- Y. Makushok (INDRA)
Pablo Martín
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Didier Mazon (CEA Cadarache)
- Simon McIntosh (ITER Organization)
- Anna MEDVEDEVA (ITER Organization)
- Dorian MIDOU (cea)
- Pedro Molina Cabrera (EPFL)
Andrea Murari
(Consorzio RFX (CNR, ENEA, INFN, University of Padova)
- Author in Fast tomography for the control of the emitted radiation in tokamaks.
- Co-author in A Hybrid Physics/Data-Driven Approach to Disruption Prediction for Avoidance
- Co-author in Real-time disruption prediction in multi-dimensional spaces with privileged information not available at execution time
- Andrea Murari (Consorzio RFX Padova)
- Julián Nieto (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Thomas O'Gorman (Jari Varje <Jari.Varje@tokamakenergy.co.uk>)
- Shinsuke Ohshima (Kyoto University)
- Luigi Pangione (ITER Organization)
Adam Parker
- Co-author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Emmanuele Peluso (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Diego PEREIRA BOTELHO (Renaissance Fusion)
- Yves Peysson (CEA)
Simon Pinches
(ITER Organization)
- Author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Author in Constrained Feed-forward Waveforms for Tokamak Plasma Pulse Design
- Co-author in End-to-end intra-pulse data analysis at ITER: first steps from magnetics to live display
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Co-author in On the use of Synthetic Diagnostics as Persistent Actors in Integrated Modelling workflows
- Richard Pitts (ITER Organization)
- Alexei POLEVOI (ITER Organization)
- Aleix Puig Sitjes (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Abdul Qayyum (Pakistan Tokamak Plasma Research Institute)
- Ji Qi (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Yufan Qu (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Ricardo Ramírez
- Timo Ravensbergen (ITER Organization)
- Kislaya Ravi (TUM)
- Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez (UsPSFC)
- Riccardo Rossi (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata)
- Mariano Ruiz (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
- Jacobo Saenz (UNED)
- Jorge Santos (IPFN)
Prasad Sawantdesai
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Mireille SCHNEIDER (ITER Organization)
- Marek Scholz (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Marco Sertoli (Tokamak Energy Ltd.)
Stefan Simrock
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Paula Sirén (CCFE)
- Alsu Sladkomedova (Tokamak Energy Ltd., 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SD, United Kingdom)
Jhon Steeven
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
- Adam Stephen (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
- Jake Stephens (Culham Science Centre)
- Dirk Stieglitz (Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
- Joshua Stillerman (MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center)
Gabor Szepesi
- Co-author in Adoption and Validation of IMAS Data
- Yi Tan (Tsinghua University)
- Renyi Tao (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Giovanni Tardini (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik)
- Tokamak Energy team (See the author list S.A.M. McNamara et al 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 054002)
- James Terry (MIT-PSFC)
- the EXL-50 experiment team (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Audun Theodorsen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
- Mateo Van Damme (Ghent University)
- Jari Varje (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
Jesús Vega
- Author in IODA: a new federated web platform for collaboration and sharing of data analysis resources in Fusion Data Research
- Author in Real-time disruption prediction in multi-dimensional spaces with privileged information not available at execution time
- Co-author in MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool
Geert Verdoolaege
(Ghent University)
- Author in A comparative study of event detection methods in fusion devices with an application to edge-localized modes
- Co-author in A Bayesian approach for estimating the kinematic viscosity model in reversed-field pinch fusion plasmas
- Co-author in Bayesian integrated estimation of tungsten impurity concentration at WEST
- Co-author in Confinement scaling with machine size in the updated ITPA global H-Mode confinement database
- Co-author in Predictive Maintenance in Fusion Devices With an Application to the Ohmic Heating Circuit at JET
- Nicholas Vivenzi (University of Padova)
- Francesco Volpe (Renaissance Fusion)
- Jedrzej Walkowiak (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN))
- Henri Weisen (Karazin National University)
- Jonathan Wood (Tokamak Energy Ltd., 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SD, United Kingdom)
- Hao Wu (Ghent University)
- Ivan Wyss (Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata)
Yahong Xie
- Author in Design Concept of Intelligent Integrated Control System for Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in Development of High-speed Data Acquisition System of Negative Ion Source Breakdown
- Author in Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
- Author in The Design of NBI Experimental Data Processing System
- Luca Zabeo (ITER Organization)
- Linge Zang (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Hong Zang (Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
- Kai Zhang (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
- Yipo Zhang (Southwestern Institute of Physics)
Yuanzhe Zhao
- Author in Design Concept of Intelligent Integrated Control System for Neutral Beam Injection
- Author in Development of High-speed Data Acquisition System of Negative Ion Source Breakdown
- Author in Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
- Author in The Design of NBI Experimental Data Processing System