3:30 PM
From MVPs to full models: a stepwise development of diagnostic forward models in constant support of diagnostic design, data analysis, instrument consistency and discharge modelling on the ST40 tokamak
Marco Sertoli
(Tokamak Energy Ltd., 173 Brook Drive, Milton Park, Oxfordshire, OX14 4SD, United Kingdom)
4:00 PM
X-ray data validation and analysis on the EXL-50 spherical torus
Xianli Huang
(Hebei Key Laboratory of Compact Fusion, Langfang 065001, China; ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang 065001, China)
4:30 PM
Constrained Feed-forward Waveforms for Tokamak Plasma Pulse Design
Simon McIntosh
(ITER Organization)
5:00 PM
Static Performance Prediction of Long-pulse Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Injection Experiment
Yang Li