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12–15 Jun 2023
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Europe/Vienna timezone

MINT, ITER Interactive Data Visualization Tool

13 Jun 2023, 09:00
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Oral Information retrieval, dimensionality reduction and visualisation in fusion databases DB/1 Information retrieval, dimensionality reduction and visualisation in fusion databases




MINT (Make Informative and Nice Trends) is an ITER graphical data visualization and exploration tool designed for plant engineers, operators, and physicists. Its requirements were gathered through interviews with various stakeholders, and its architecture was planned for a long-term project such as ITER. As such, a modular design and clear definition of generic interfaces (abstraction layer) were crucial, providing a robust foundation for future adaptations to new plotting, processing, and GUI libraries. The MINT application relies on an independent plotting library, which acts as a wrapper for the choice of underlying graphical libraries. Data selection and retrieval were also developed as a separate module, with a well-defined data object interface for easy integration of additional data sources. The processing layer is also a separate module, supporting algebraic and user-defined functions.

Speaker's Affiliation CIEMAT, MADRID
Member State or IGO/NGO España

Primary author



Lana Abadie (ITER Organization) Olivier Hoenen (ITER Organization) Simon Pinches (ITER Organization) Stefan Simrock (ITER) Mr Prasad Sawantdesai (ITER) Paulo Abreu (ITER Organization) Mr Masanari Hosokawa (ITER) Prof. Jesús Vega (CIEMAT) Mr Pablo Martín (MINSAIT - INDRA) Mr Alberto Luengo (MINSAIT - INDRA) Mr Jhon Steeven (MINSAIT - INDRA)

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