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19–22 Sept 2023
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline for regular contributions has passed. The system remains open for invited submissions only.

Recent Developments in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma for Gas Treatment

21 Sept 2023, 10:00
CR-4 (IAEA Headquarters)


IAEA Headquarters

Contributed Oral Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Atmospheric Pressure Plasma


Duc Ba Nguyen (Duy Tan University)


Gas treatment by atmospheric pressure plasma is gaining interest because the process is environmentally friendly. Specifically, atmospheric pressure plasma features a gas ionization state that consists of energetic electrons, ions, radicals, and excited species; consequently, contaminants compounds can be destroyed under mild conditions: low temperature, fast conversion, and potential low-operating cost by atmospheric pressure. Consequently, plasma for gas conversion or purification is receiving attractive research and applications. Herein, we are summarizing our development recently in atmospheric pressure plasma for gas treatment to present how to be selected plasma systems for specific gas treatments. Particularly, gas purifications are almost required with high throughput gas volume treatment; therefore, a plasma generation in a sandwich-type honeycomb monolith catalyst is an adequate requirement with low-pressure drop, large plasma volume, and effective energy owing to primary input energy used to plasma reaction. When diluting a contaminated compound such as ethylene emission during agriculture products storage, a continuous plasma process for gas treatment results in waste energy. In contrast with an intermittent plasma-catalytic discharge, it is more suitable by temporarily capturing contaminated compounds by catalyst adsorption and then converting by the plasma-catalyst reaction. Furthermore, indirect plasma catalyst by injection method is capable to NOx removal under a low temperature with less energy consumption. In summary, atmospheric pressure plasma systems and their application in particular cases of gas treatment are discussed.

Speaker's Affiliation Duy Tan University
Member State or IGO/NGO IGO/NGO

Primary author

Duc Ba Nguyen (Duy Tan University)


Dr Shirjana Saud (Jeju National University) Prof. Young Sun Mok (Jeju National University)

Presentation materials