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19–22 Sept 2023
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone
Deadline for regular contributions has passed. The system remains open for invited submissions only.

Microwave and RF Plasma Enhanced Synthesis of Nanomaterials

21 Sept 2023, 11:35
CR-4 (IAEA Headquarters)


IAEA Headquarters

Invited Oral Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Atmospheric Pressure Plasma


Mohan Jacob (James Cook University)


Microwave Plasma and Radio Frequency (RF) Plasma are widely utilized plasma techniques for fabricating nano materials with tailored properties to suit specific applications. RF Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) is commonly employed for producing carbon nanomaterials, such as vertical graphene, which possesses desired defects for specific applications. By adopting PECVD, significant reductions in fabrication temperature can be achieved, although external heating and vacuum conditions are still necessary. On the other hand, Microwave Plasma enable graphene fabrication under ambient conditions and in larger quantities. Moreover, Microwave Plasma simplifies the complex multi-step processes involved in producing graphene oxide or doped graphene. These plasma techniques not only reduce energy consumption and costs compared to traditional methods but also offer the flexibility to utilize various carbon sources and substrates, broadening the potential applications of plasma-assisted graphene fabrication. The unique properties of graphene produced through microwave and RF plasma techniques open up numerous opportunities for diverse and high-value applications in electronics, energy storage, sensors, and other fields.

Speaker's Affiliation James Cook University, Townsville Australia
Member State or IGO/NGO Queensland

Primary author

Mohan Jacob (James Cook University)

Presentation materials